Resource Reservation Setup Protocol APIs

The resource reservation protocol (RSVP), along with the RAPI APIs, perform your integrated services reservation. This protocol is part of the Quality of service (QoS) function that allows you to request network priority and bandwidth for TCP/IP applications. The RSVP protocol is used to load rules to the TCP/IP stack that controls these requests. These rules are called IntServ rules. QoS also allows the user to define DiffServ rules that request special handling in the network for groups of applications or connections. See the Quality of service topic collection for more information.

The six monitor APIs can be used to retrieve information about both IntServ and DiffServ rules.

Note: A thorough understanding of the RSVP protocol and the contents of Internet RFC 2205 is required to be able to use the RAPI APIs correctly. These APIs will not function unless the proper sequencing of events between the client and server is observed.

The resource reservation setup protocol APIs are:

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