ATE Connected Main Menu

Use the connect subcommand from the ATE Unconnected Main Menu to display the Connected Main Menu.

Alternately, press the MAINMENU_KEY while connected to a remote system.

You can issue the following subcommands from the ATE Connected Main Menu. For the definitions of these subcommands, refer to the ate command. To issue the subcommand, type the first letter of the subcommand at the command prompt on the menu. For example, type a to issue the alter subcommand.

Item Description
alter Temporarily changes data transmission characteristics, such as the speed of transmission.
break Sends a break signal to the remote system.
help Displays help information.
modify Temporarily modifies local settings used by the emulator, such as the capture file for incoming data.
perform Allows you to perform workstation operating system commands within ATE.
quit Quits the ATE program.
receive Receives files from a remote system.
send Sends files to a remote system.
terminate Terminates the ATE connection.

All three ATE control key sequences can be used from the ATE Connected Main Menu.