ate.def configuration file

The ate.def file sets the defaults for use in asynchronous connections and file transfers.

This file is created in the current directory during the first run of ATE. The ate.def file contains the default values in the ATE program uses for the following:

  • Data transmission characteristics
  • Local system features
  • Dialing directory file
  • Control keys.

The first time the ATE program is run from a particular directory, it creates an ate.def file in that directory.

LENGTH         8
STOP           1
PARITY         0
RATE           1200
DEVICE         tty0
WAIT           0
ATTEMPTS       0
TRANSFER       p
NAME           kapture
ECHO           0
VT100          0
WRITE          0
XON/XOFF       1
DIRECTORY      /usr/lib/dir

Edit the ate.def file with any ASCII text editor to permanently change the values of these characteristics. Temporarily change the values of these characteristics with the ATE alter and modify subcommands, accessible from the ATE Main Menu.

Type parameter names in uppercase letters in the ate.def file. Spell the parameters exactly as they appear in the original default file. Define only one parameter per line. An incorrectly defined value for a parameter causes ATE to return a system message. However, the program continues to run using the default value. These are the ate.def file parameters:

Specifies the number of bits in a data character. This length must match the length expected by the remote system.
Options:  7 or 8
Default:  8
Specifies the number of stop bits appended to a character to signal that character's end during data transmission. This number must match the number of stop bits used by the remote system.
Options:  1 or 2
Default:  1
Checks whether a character is successfully transmitted to or from a remote system. Must match the parity of the remote system.

For example, if the user selects even parity, when the number of 1 bits in the character is odd, the parity bit is turned on to make an even number of 1 bits.

Options: 0 (none), 1 (odd), or 2 (even)
Default: 0.
Determines the baud rate, or the number of bits transmitted per second (bps). The speed must match the speed of the modem and that of the remote system.
Options: 50,75,110,134,150,300,600,1200,1800,2400,4800,9600,19200
Default: 1200
Specifies the name of the asynchronous port used to make a connection to a remote system.
Options: Locally created port names.
Default: tty0.
Defines the dial prefix, a string that must precede the telephone number when the user autodials with a modem. For the proper dial commands, consult the modem documentation.
Options: ATDT, ATDP, or others, depending on the type of modem.
Default: ATDT.
Defines the dial suffix, a string that must follow the telephone number when the user autodials with a modem. For the proper dial commands, consult the modem documentation.
Options: Blank (none) or a valid modem suffix.
Default: No default.
Specifies the time to wait between redialing attempts. The wait period does not begin until the connection attempt times out or until it is interrupted. If the ATTEMPTS parameter is set to 0, no redial attempt occurs.
Options: 0 (none) or a positive integer designating the number of seconds to wait.
Default: 0
Specifies the maximum number of times the ATE program tries redial to make a connection. If the ATTEMPTS parameter is set to 0, no redial attempt occurs.
Options: 0 (none) or a positive integer designating the number of attempts.
Default: 0
Defines the type of asynchronous protocol that transfers files during a connection.
p (pacing)
File transfer protocol controls the data transmission rate by waiting for a specified character or for a certain number of seconds between line transmissions. This helps prevent loss of data when the transmission blocks are either too large or sent too quickly for the system to process.
x (xmodem)
An 8-bit file transfer protocol to detect data transmission errors and retransmit the data.
Options: p (pacing), x (xmodem)
Default: p.
Specifies the type of pacing protocol to be used. Signal to transmit a line. Select one character.

When the send subcommand encounters a line-feed character while transmitting data, the subcommand waits to receive the pacing character before sending the next line.

When the receive subcommand is ready to receive data, it sends the pacing character, then waits 30 seconds to receive data. The receive subcommand sends a pacing character again whenever it finds a carriage return character in the data. The receive subcommand ends when it receives no data for 30 seconds.

Options: any character
Default: 0
Number of seconds the system waits between each line it transmits. The value of the Interval variable must be an integer. The default value is 0, indicating a pacing delay of 0 seconds.
Default: 0.
File name for incoming data (capture file).
Options: A valid file name less than 40 characters long.
Default: kapture
Adds a line-feed character after every carriage-return character in the incoming data stream.
Options: 1 (on) or 0 (off).
Default: 0.
Displays the user's typed input. For a remote computer that supports echoing, each character sent returns and displays on the screen. When the ECHO parameter is on, each character is displayed twice: first when it is entered, and again when it returns over a connection. When the ECHO parameter is off, each character displays only when it returns over the connection.
Options: 1 (on) or 0 (off).
Default: 0.
The local console emulates a DEC VT100 terminal so DEC VT100 code can be used with the remote system. With the VT100 parameter off, the local console functions like a workstation.
Options: 1 (on) or 0 (off).
Default: 0.
Captures incoming data and routes it to the file specified in the NAME parameter as well as to the display. Carriage-return or line-feed combinations are converted to line-feed characters before they are written to the capture file. In an existing file, data is appended to the end of the file.

The CAPTURE_KEY (usually the Ctrl-B key sequence) can be used to toggle capture mode on or off during a connection.

Options: 1 (on) or 0 (off).
Default: 0.
Controls data transmission at a port as follows:
  • When an XOFF signal is received, transmission stops.
  • When an XON signal is received, transmission resumes.
  • An XOFF signal is sent when the receive buffer is nearly full.
  • An XON signal is sent when the buffer is no longer full.
    Options: 1 (On), or 0 (Off).
    Default: 1.
Names the file that contains the user's dialing directory.
Default: the /usr/lib/dir file.
Defines the control key sequence that toggles capture mode. When pressed, the CAPTURE_KEY (usually the Ctrl-B key sequence) starts or stops capturing (saving) the data that is displayed on the screen during an active connection.
Options: Any ASCII control character.
Default: ASCII octal 002 (STX).
Defines the control key sequence that returns the Connected Main Menu so the user can issue a command during an active connection. The MAINMENU_KEY (usually the Ctrl-V key sequence) functions only from the connected state.
Options: Any ASCII control character.
Default: ASCII octal 026 (SYN).
Defines the control key sequence that displays the previous screen anytime during the program. The screen displayed varies, depending on the screen in use when the user presses PREVIOUS_KEY (usually the Ctrl-R key sequence).
Options: Any ASCII control character.
Default: ASCII octal 022 (DC2).  The ASCII control character is mapped to the interrupt signal.