towupper, or towupper_l Subroutine


Converts a lowercase wide character to an uppercase wide character.


Standard C Library (libc.a)


#include  <wchar.h>

wint_t towupper ( WC) wint_t WC;

wint_t towupper_l ( WC, Locale) wint_t WC; locale_t Locale;


The towupper subroutine converts the lowercase wide character specified by the WC parameter into the corresponding uppercase wide character. The LC_CTYPE category affects the behavior of the towupper subroutine.

The towupper_l subroutine is same as the towupper subroutine, except that the locale data used is from the locale represented by Locale.


Item Description
WC Specifies the wide character to convert to uppercase.
Locale Specifies the locale in which character has to be converted.

Return Values

If the WC parameter contains a lowercase wide character that has a corresponding uppercase wide character, that wide character is returned. Otherwise, the WC parameter is returned unchanged.