QMS ColorScript 100 Model 20 Printer

The QMS ColorScript 100 Model 20 printer can print color PostScript files and HPGL (Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language) files.

The HPGL emulator is shipped on a DOS diskette with the printer. ASCII files can also be printed using the PostScript data stream.

To print PostScript files, do not enter a print queue name for the HPGL data stream when making the print queue. To print HPGL files, do the following:

  1. Enter a print queue name for the HPGL data stream when making the print queue.
  2. Insert the 3-1/2 inch diskette labeled HPGL Emulator in the diskette drive.
  3. Make sure you are the root user.
  4. Enter the following to copy the HPGL emulator files from the DOS diskette to the appropriate directory:
    /usr/lib/lpd/pio/etc/pioqms100 -Q

When HPGL print files are submitted to the HPGL print queue, the system downloads the HPGL emulator to the printer and selects the emulator as needed.

PostScript files can also be submitted to the HPGL print queue. The files must begin with the two-character string %! so the system can recognize them as PostScript instead of HPGL files.