IBM® Proprinter Models 4201-3, 4202-3, 4207-2, 4208-2

Product specific information for each printer and queue system is provided.

If support for Greek or Turkish characters is needed and the appropriate font diskette is available, install the fonts by entering the following as root user:

piofontin -t PrinterType -c CodePage [-d DeviceName]

Specifically, when issuing this command, the PrinterType parameter is 4201-3, 4202-3, and the CodePage parameter is 851 (Greek) or 853 (Turkish). The DeviceName parameter (for example /dev/fd1) is needed only if the diskette device is not /dev/fd0, the standard 3.5-inch diskette drive.

Note: If Greek or Turkish fonts have been installed, you must enter the following to download the fonts whenever the printer is turned off and on:
splp -F! xxx

where xxx is the device name of the printer, such as lp0. This instructs the system to download the Greek or Turkish font to the printer.