IBM® 3812 Model 2 Page Printer

Product specific information for the printer and queue system is provided.

The system assumes that a font diskette, Feature #3155, is in the printer's diskette drive. For the support of Greek or Turkish characters, the system assumes that a Language Group 3 font diskette is in the drive.

Fonts are loaded into printer memory from a font diskette inside the printer. The system maintains a record of which fonts have been loaded, and whether the fonts in memory may have been corrupted by a print job and therefore need reloading from diskette. If the printer is turned off and then turned back on, run the splp command with the -F ! flag and the device name. This notifies the system that the fonts need to be loaded into the printer's memory.

The 3812 Model 2 Page Printer can print on paper other than the default 8-1/2 by 11 inch size. You can change the paper size using SMIT. To change paper size for a single print job, specify the -Q flag with the qprt command.

If you need support for Greek or Turkish characters, complete the following steps:

  1. You must have a Language Group 3 font diskette installed in the printer.
  2. As the root user, enter smit chpq.
  3. Select the appropriate print queue and select Printer Setup on the Change/Show Characteristics menu. For the font diskette, specify:
    • CP851 to print Greek characters.
    • CP853 to print Turkish characters.