Logging in to a remote host directly

When using TCP/IP to transfer files, you can use this procedure to log in to a remote host directly.

  1. Use the cd command to change to the directory that contains the file you want to send (sending a file) or to the directory where you want the transferred file to reside (receiving a file).
  2. Log in to the remote host directly by typing:
    ftp HostName
    If you have automatic login permission, information similar to the following is displayed on your local host:
    Connected to canopus.austin.century.com.
    220 canopus.austin.century.com FTP server
    (Version 4.1 Sat Nov 23 12:52:09 CST 1995) ready.
    331 Password required for dee.
    230 User dee logged in.
    Otherwise, information similar to the following is displayed on your local host:
    Connected to canopus.austin.century.com.
    220 canopus.austin.century.com FTP server
    (Version 4.1 Sat Nov 23 12:52:09 CST 1995) ready.
    Name (canopus:eric): dee
    331 Password required for dee.
    230 User dee logged in.
  3. Enter your login name and password when prompted by the system.
You are now ready to copy a file between two hosts.