Testing automatic dump-on-panic

Cause a kernel panic to confirm that your dump configuration is set up to automatically create a dump if a kernel panic occurs.

Before you begin

You need a Linux instance with active magic sysrequest functions.


Crash the kernel with a forced kernel panic.
If your method for triggering the magic sysrequest function is: Enter:
A command on the 3270 terminal or line-mode terminal on the HMC ^-c
A command on the hvc0 terminal device Crtl+oc
Writing to procfs echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger
Note: Crtl+o means pressing o while holding down the control key.
See Device Drivers, Features, and Commands on Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® 8.5, SC34-7715 for more details about the magic sysrequest functions.


The production system crashes and if your automatic dump is set up correctly, the dump process is triggered. In particular, if kdump is set up correctly, the kdump kernel is booted, the dump is created (the default directory is /var/crash/), and your production system is rebooted.