zcryptctl - Control access to AP queues and functions

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6 LPAR mode z/VM guest KVM guest

Use the zcryptctl command to control access to AP queues and functions.

For more information about cryptographic device nodes, see Creating customized device nodes.

zcryptctl syntax

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagramzcryptctllistcreate<device_name>destroy<device_name>addapdelap<device_name>,<adapter>adddomdeldom<device_name>,<domain>addioctldelioctl<device_name>,<ioctlexp>config<config_file>listconfig
lists all zcrypt device nodes.
create <node_name>
creates a new zcrypt device node. The <device_name> is optional and must be unique. If no node name is provided, the zcrypt device driver creates one with a name of the form: zcrypt_<n>, where <n> is the next free number. By default no adapter, domain, or IOCTL is allowed on the new device.

By default the device node file is created with permissions 0600 and might need adjustments to be usable by non-root users.

destroy <device_name>
destroys a zcrypt device. Marks the given zcrypt device as disposable. The device is removed when the use counter is zero.
addap <device_name> <adapter>
adds a cryptographic adapter to be accessible through this device. The adapter argument is a number in the range 0 - 255. Specify ALL to enable all adapters.
delap <device_name> <adapter>
removes the adapter from the allowed adapters list. The adapter argument is a number in the range 0 - 255. Specify ALL to remove all adapters.
adddom <device_name> <domain_nr>
adds a domain to be accessible through the specified device. The domain argument is a number in the range 0 - 255. Specify ALL to enable all domains.
deldom <device_name> <domain_nr>
deletes a domain from the specified device. Specify ALL to delete all domains.
addioctl<device_name> <ioctl_exp>
adds an IOCTL. Specify the IOCTL as a symbolic string or the corresponding numeric value in the range 0 - 255. Specify ALL to include all IOCTLs. The IOCTLs and their numbers are listed in arch/s390/include/uapi/asm/zcrypt.h.
Set IOCTLs according to the functions you want to support. The following table lists the IOCTLs that are required by the CCA, EP11, and libica library.
Table 1. IOCTLs required by cryptographic libraries
Library Functions Required IOCTLs
CCA Secure key cryptographic functions on CCA coprocessors. ZSECSENDCPRB
EP11 Secure key cryptographic functions on EP11 coprocessors. ZSENDEP11CPRB
libica Clear key cryptographic functions. ICARSAMODEXPO, ICARSACRT, ZSECSENDCPRB
delioctl <device_name> <ioctl_exp>
deletes the specified IOCTL. Specify the IOCTL as a symbolic string or a numeric value in the range 0 - 255. Specify ALL to delete all IOCTLs.
config <config_file>
processes a configuration file.
lists the current configuration in a format suitable for the config command.
Tip: Use listconfig to generate a configuration file that can be used as input to the config command.


These examples illustrate common uses for zcryptctl.

  • To set up a zcrypt device with access to secure key operations on domain 81 of two CCA adapters, 7 and 10.
    # zcryptctl new zcrypt_0
    # zcryptctl addap zcrypt_0 7
    # zcryptctl addap zcrypt_0 10
    # zcryptctl adddom zcrypt_0 81
    # zcryptctl addioctl zcrypt_0 ZSECSENDCPRB
    You might have to change the access rights to the device before a container can use it.
  • To list the currently defined devices and their attributes:
    zcryptctl list
    zcdn node name: zcrypt_2
       device node: /dev/zcrypt_2
       major:minor: 250:2
       adapter: 4,8,9
       domains: 6,11,81
    zcdn node name: zcrypt_0
       device node: /dev/zcrypt_0
       major:minor: 250:0
       ioctls: ZSECSENDCPRB
       adapter: 7,10
       domains: 81
    zcdn node name: zcrypt_1
       device node: /dev/zcrypt_1
       major:minor: 250:1
       ioctls: ZSENDEP11CPRB
       adapter: 6,11
       domains: 11
  • To remove an obsolete device.
    # zcryptctl destroy zcrypt_0

Creating a configuration file

The given configuration file is read line by line and the actions are executed. The syntax is as follows:
  • A node=<node_name> line creates a new device node with the given name. The subsequent actions act on this node until another node= line encountered. For example, to create a device node called zcdn_node_1:
    node = zcdn_node_1
  • The aps=<list_of_ap_numbers> action adds allowed adapters to the node configuration. The adapters must be separated by space, tab, or commas. For example, to add adapters 1,2,5, and 7:
    aps = 1, 2, 5, 7
  • The doms=<list_of_domain_numbers> action adds allowed domains to the node configuration. The domains must be separated by space, tab, or commas. For example, to allow domain 6:
    doms = 6
  • The ioctls=<list_of_ioctl_as_number_or_symbolic_name> adds allowed IOCTLs to the node configuration. The IOCTLs must be separated by space, tab, or commas. For example, to allow ZSECSENDCPRB:
    ioctls = ZSECSENDCPRB
    The IOCTL macros, to be used as name, and their numbers are listed in arch/s390/include/uapi/asm/zcrypt.h.
The symbol ALL is also recognized for the aps, doms and ioctls actions.

Empty lines are ignored and the number sign (#) marks the rest of the line as a comment. Each action must fit on one line, multiple lines is not supported. You can use more than one aps, doms, or ioctls line to customize the same node.

Example configuration file

# Sample zcrypt device node configuration
# node 1 for CCA requests on domain 6
node = zcdn_node_1
aps = 1, 2, 5, 7
doms = 6

# node 2 for CCA requests on domain 11
node = zcdn_node_2
aps = 1, 2, 5, 7
doms = 11

# node 3 for EP11 on domain 6 and 11
node = zcdn_node_3
aps = 3, 6, 11
doms = 6, 11
ioctls = ZSENDEP11CPRB

# node 4 for clear key on everything
node = zcdn_node_4
aps = ALL
doms = ALL

# node 5 special EP11 on adapter 10, any domain
node = zcdn_node_5
aps = 0x0a
doms = ALL
ioctls = ZSENDEP11CPRB

# node 6 special CCA only on adapter 7, domain 81
node = zcdn_node_6
aps = 7
doms = 0x51