
Saves the system image of a running or a paused virtual server and terminates it thereafter. When the virtual server is started again, the saved system image is resumed.

Per default, the virtual server is in the same state as it was when it was terminated.

Use the dominfo command to see whether the system image of a shut off virtual server was saved.


Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagrammanagedsave --bypass-cache  --domain <VS>  --running --paused  --verbose
Is the name, ID, or UUID of the virtual server.

Selected options

Writes virtual server data directly to the disk bypassing the file system cache. This sacrifices write speed for data integrity by getting the data written to the disk faster.
When you restart the virtual server, it will be running.
When you restart the virtual server, it will be paused.
Displays the progress of the save operation.

Virtual server state transitions

Command option From state To state (reason)
managedsave running shut off (saved from running)
managedsave paused shut off (saved from paused)
managedsave --running running shut off (saved from running)
managedsave --running paused shut off (saved from running)
managedsave --paused running shut off (saved from paused)
managedsave --paused paused shut off (saved from paused)



# virsh managedsave vserv1 --running
Domain vserv1 state saved by libvirt

# virsh dominfo vserv1
Id:             -
Name:           vserv1331
UUID:           d30a4c80-2670-543e-e73f-30c1fa7c9c20
OS Type:        hvm
State:          shut off
CPU(s):         2
Max memory:     1048576 KiB
Used memory:    1048576 KiB
Persistent:     yes
Autostart:      disable
Managed save:   yes
Security model: none
Security DOI:   0

# virsh start vserv1
Domain vserv1 started

# virsh list 
 Id    Name                           State
 13    vserv1                        running
# virsh managedsave vserv1 --paused --verbose
Managedsave: [100 %]
Domain vserv1 state saved by libvirt

# virsh domstate vserv1
shut off

# virsh start vserv1
Domain vserv1 started

# virsh list 
 Id    Name                           State
 13    vserv1                        paused