ziorep_config - Report on the multipath, SCSI, and FCP configuration

The purpose of the ziorep_config report is to visualize the SCSI-, FCP- and multipath-configuration of the system. You can control the report using command line switches.

The report is usable on both a preprocessed configuration file or configuration directory-tree and on a live system. The report is described in more detail in the example section.

All parameters must be specified fully. Short versions, such as using 3c07 for the device bus ID, are not allowed. Hexadecimal values must be specified with a leading X'0x' and must always be lowercase. All WWPNs and LUNs must be specified as 16-digit hexadecimal values. Leading and trailing zeros are vital and must be included.

Read syntax diagramSkip visual syntax diagram
ziorep_config syntax

                  .- -A--+-----+--+----------------------+--+---------------------+-.   
                  |      '- -t-'  '- -i -+-<src-file >-+-'  '- -a <device_bus_id>-' |   
                  |                      '-<src-dir>---'                            |   
>>-ziorep_config--+- -D--| D options |----------------------------------------------+-><
                  +- -M--| M options |----------------------------------------------+   
                  | '- -i -+-<src-file >-+-'                                        |   
                  |        '-<src-dir>---'                                          |   
                  +- -h-------------------------------------------------------------+   
                  '- -v-------------------------------------------------------------'   

D options

   '- -t-'  '- -i -+-<src-file >-+-'  '- -a <adapter>-'  '- -p <WWPN>-'  '- -l <LUN>-'  '- -s <shost>-'  '- -d <sdev>-'   

M options

   '- -t-'  '- -i -+-<src-file >-+-'  '- -a <adapter>-'  '- -p <WWPN>-'  '- -s <shost>-'  '- -m <mdev>-'   

-t or --topline
prints a header for column description. The default is to print no header, which is useful if the results are imported by another application. For example:
ziorep_config -D -t
-i or --input <src-file | src-dir>
specifies the configuration file created by ziomon as source.
-a or --adapter <device_bus_id>
limits the output to the list of FCP devices specified, for example:
ziorep_config -a 0.0.3c07 -a 0.0.3d07
-p or --port <WWPN>
limits the output to the list of target ports specified, for example:
ziorep_config -D -p 0x5005123456789000 -p 0x5005123456789001
-l or --lun <LUN>
limits the output to the list of FCP LUNs specified, for example:
ziorep_config -D -l 0x401040a600000000 -l 0x401040a700000000
-s or --scsi <shost>
limits the output to the list of SCSI hosts specified, for example:
ziorep_config -D --scsi host0 -s host1 -s host5
-d or --device <sdev>
limits the output to the list of SCSI devices specified, for example:
ziorep_config -D --device sda -d sdb -d sde
-m or --mdev <mdev>
limits the output to the list of multipath devices specified, for example:
ziorep_config -M -m 36005076303ffc56200000000000010a6
-A or --Adapter
prints the adapter (FCP device) report, this is the default.
-D or --Device
prints the SCSI device report.
-M or --Map
prints the multipath mapper report.
-h or --help
prints this help text.
-v or --version
prints version information.