Manually installing IBM Spectrum Scale for object storage on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS nodes

IBM Spectrum Scale for object storage is typically installed using the installation toolkit. If you do not want to use the installation toolkit, use the following steps to manually install IBM Spectrum Scale for object storage on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and 18.04 LTS nodes.

For information about prerequisites, see Software requirements and Installation prerequisites.

Before you begin manually installing IBM Spectrum Scale for object storage, complete the following prerequisite tasks.

  1. After GPFS is configured, create protocol nodes for object service. For more information, see Configuring CES protocol service IP addresses.
  2. Add at least one CES IP address.

Manually install and configure the object protocol and then enable object services as follows.

  1. On all protocol nodes, install the spectrum-scale-object package and its associated dependencies by issuing the following command.
    apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" --allow-unauthenticated install -y spectrum-scale-object
    The package is created in the /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.0.3.x/object_debs/ubuntu16 directory by expanding the Spectrum_Scale_Protocols installation image. For more information about extracting an installation image, see Extracting the IBM Spectrum Scale software on Linux nodes.
    You might need to create the local APT repository before using the apt-get command. To create the APT repository, use these steps:
    1. Create a file named Packages.gz.
      # cd /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.0.3.x/object_debs/ubuntu16
      # dpkg-scanpackages . /dev/null | gzip -9c > Packages.gz
    2. Add the following entry in the /etc/apt/sources.list file.
      deb file:/usr/lpp/mmfs/5.0.3.x/object_debs/ubuntu16 ./
    3. Update the repository.
      # apt-get update
    Note: The path /usr/lpp/mmfs/5.0.3.x/object_debs/ubuntu16, depends upon the release version.
  2. From one of the protocol nodes, configure the object protocol by issuing the following command.
    # mmobj swift base -g /ibm/fs1 -o object_fileset --cluster-hostname \
    --local-keystone --pwd-file mmobjpwd --admin-user keystone
    A sample output is as follows.
    mmobj swift base: Validating execution environment.
      mmobj swift base: Creating fileset gpfs0 object_fileset.
      mmobj swift base: Configuring Keystone server in /ibm/fs1/object/keystone.
      mmobj swift base: Creating postgres database.
      mmobj swift base: Setting cluster attribute object_database_node=
      mmobj swift base: Validating Keystone environment.
      mmobj swift base: Validating Swift values in Keystone.
      mmobj swift base: Configuring Swift services.
      mmobj swift base: Setting cluster attribute object_singleton_node=
      mmobj swift base: Uploading configuration changes to the CCR.
      mmobj swift base: Configuration complete. 

After the initial installation is complete, the object protocol needs to be enabled across all the protocol nodes.

  1. Complete the configuration and start object services on all protocol nodes by issuing the following command.
    # mmces service enable OBJ
  2. Issue the mmces service list command to list the protocols enabled in the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster. List a verbose output of object services running on the local node using the -v flag as shown in the following example.
    # mmces service list -v
    A sample output is as follows.
    Enabled services: OBJ SMB NFS
        OBJ is running
        OBJ:openstack-swift-object                   is running
        OBJ:openstack-swift-account                  is running
        OBJ:openstack-swift-container                is running
        OBJ:openstack-swift-proxy                    is running
        OBJ:memcached                                is running
        OBJ:openstack-swift-object-replicator        is running
        OBJ:openstack-swift-account-reaper           is running
        OBJ:openstack-swift-account-replicator       is running
        OBJ:openstack-swift-container-replicator     is running
        OBJ:openstack-swift-object-sof               is running
        OBJ:httpd (keystone)                         is running
        SMB is running
        NFS is running