Monitoring using mmperfmon

You can use mmperfmon to monitor AFM and AFM DR.

Complete the following steps to enable Performance Monitoring tool and query data.
Note: Ensure that monitoring is initialized, performance monitoring is enabled, and other sensors are collecting data.
  1. Run the following command to configure the gateway nodes as performance monitoring nodes: mmcrnodeclass afmGateways -N gw1,gw2.
  2. Set perfmon designation for the gateway nodes: mmchnode –perfmon -N afmGateways.
  3. Enable the monitoring tool on the gateway nodes to set the collection periods to 10 or higher: mmperfmon config update GPFSAFM.period=10 GPFSAFMFS.period=10 GPFSAFMFSET.period=10
  4. Restrict the gateway nodes to collect AFM data: mmperfmon config update GPFSAFM.restrict=afmGateways GPFSAFMFS.restrict=afmGateways GPFSAFMFSET.restrict=afmGateways
  5. Run the query to display time series data: mmperfmon query gpfs_afm_fset_bytes_written --bucket-size 60 --number-buckets 1 -N gw1

    The system displays output similar to - Legend: 1: gw1|GPFSAFMFSET|gpfs0|independentwriter|gpfs_afm_fset_bytes_written Row Timestamp gpfs_afm_fset_bytes_written 1 2017-03-10-13:28:00 133546

    Note: You can use the GUI or the Grafana bridge to query collected data.
To know the metrics of the AFM sensors, see Performance metrics available in the GUI.