mmaudit command

Manages setting and viewing the file audit logging configuration in IBM Spectrum Scale™.


mmaudit Device enable [--log-fileset FilesetName [--log-fileset-device Device]] 
                      [--retention Days] [--events {Event1[,Event2...] | ALL}] [--degraded] [-q]


mmaudit Device disable [-q]


mmaudit Device update --events {Event1[,Event2...] | ALL} [-q]


mmaudit Device list [--events] [-Y]


mmaudit all list [--events] [-Y]


mmaudit all consumerStart -N {NodeName[,NodeName...] | NodeFile | NodeClass} [-q]


mmaudit all consumerStop -N {NodeName[,NodeName...] | NodeFile | NodeClass} [-q]


mmaudit all consumerStatus -N {NodeName[,NodeName...] | NodeFile | NodeClass} [-q] [-Y]

Start of changeorEnd of change

Start of change
mmaudit all upgradePolicies
End of change


Available with IBM Spectrum Scale Advanced Edition or IBM Spectrum Scale Data Management Edition. Available on Linux x86 and Linux PPC LE.


Enables, disables, and lists configuration data for file audit logging in a specified file system. Lists all file audit logging enabled file systems in the cluster. Manages file audit logging consumer daemons. Command messages are written to the /var/adm/ras/mmaudit.log file. The audit records are stored in the audit log fileset in a /Device/.audit_log/audit_topic/Year/Month/Day directory structure. The audit log files are named auditLogFile_hostname_date_time. The audit log files are rotated, compressed, and a retention date is set.
Note: When file audit logging is being enabled on a file system, an IAM mode noncompliant fileset is created. With this type of fileset, the retention of the audit logging files is implemented by setting an expiration date for the individual files containing the audit records. These files cannot be removed until the expiration date is met. However, the root user can change the expiration date if space must be freed up within the fileset. In addition, commands such as mmrestorefs will fail when restoring to a snapshot that would require removal of currently immutable (non-expired) files.


Specifies the device name of the file system upon which the audit log configuration change or listing is to occur.
Specifies that the command is executed against all devices configured for file audit logging. Currently, the only supported sub-commands are list, consumerStart, consumerStop, consumerStatusStart of change, and upgradePolicies.End of change
Enables file audit logging for the given device. Enablement entails setting up configuration and starting the consumer processes.

The --log-fileset FilesetName option specifies the fileset name where the audit log records for the file system will be held. The default is .audit_log. The --log-fileset-device Device option specifies the device where the fileset is located. When specifying the --log-fileset-device option, you must also specify the --log-fileset FilesetName option. The default is the device being enabled. The --log-fileset-device option allows the audit log fileset to be located in a different file system than that being audited for file audit logging. The audit log fileset has all auditing events blocked so that the creation and update of the audit logs themselves do not generate their own audit events. The --retention Days option specifies the number of days to set the expiration date on all audit log record files when they are created. The default is 365 days. Start of changeThe --events option specifies the list of events that will be audited. The default is ALL.End of change Start of changeThe --degraded option allows file audit logging to be enabled without as many default performance enhancements. The --degraded option reduces the amount of local disk space that is required per broker node per file system enabled for file audit logging. The --degraded option should only be used when performance degradation is not a problem, or if there is very limited local disk drive space on the broker nodes.End of change

Disables file audit logging for the given device. Disablement stops the consumer processes and removes message queue configuration that is specific to the device. Existing file audit records are changed to immutable and the retention period remains.
Start of changeupdateEnd of change
Start of changeUpdates the list of events that will be audited. The new event list will replace the existing set of events.End of change
Start of changelist --events [-Y]End of change
Displays the file audit logging configuration information for the given device. The all option displays the file audit logging configuration information for all devices enabled for file audit logging. Start of changeThe --events option displays the device minor number, audit generation number, and a list of events that are being audited.End of change The -Y option provides output in machine-readable (colon-delimited) format.
consumerStart -N {NodeName[,NodeName...] |NodeFile | NodeClass}
Starts the consumer processes on all consumer nodes within the comma-separated list of nodes for all file systems with file audit logging enabled. Start of changeThe -N option supports a comma-separated list of nodes, a full path name to a file containing node names, or a predefined node class.End of change This should only be performed if the consumer processes were stopped with the consumerStop option. This is not the way to start file audit logging.
consumerStop -N {NodeName[,NodeName...] |NodeFile | NodeClass}
Stops the consumer processes on all consumer nodes within the comma-separated list of nodes for all file systems with file audit logging enabled. Start of changeThe -N option supports a comma-separated list of nodes, a full path name to a file containing node names, or a predefined node class.End of change This should only be performed during node shutdown or upgrade. This is not the way to stop file audit logging.
consumerStatus -N {NodeName[,NodeName...] |NodeFile | NodeClass} [-Y]
Provides the status for the consumer processes on all consumer nodes within the comma-separated list of nodes for all file systems with file audit logging enabled. Start of changeThe -N option supports a comma-separated list of nodes, a full path name to a file containing node names, or a predefined node class.End of change The -Y option provides output in machine-readable (colon-delimited) format.
Start of changeupgradePoliciesEnd of change
Start of changeUpdates IBM Spectrum Scale policies that are associated with file audit logging enabled file systems to allow remotely mounted file systems to generate file audit logging events.End of change
Suppresses all [I] informational messages.

Exit status

Successful completion.
A failure has occurred. Errors are written to /var/adm/ras/mmaudit.log and /var/log/messages.


You must have root authority to run the mmaudit command.

The node on which the command is issued must be able to execute remote shell commands on any other node in the cluster without the use of a password and without producing any extraneous messages.


  1. To enable a file system with the default settings, issue this command:
    # mmaudit fs1 enable
    [I] Successfully created File Audit Logging consumer node class kafkaAuditConsumerServers
    [I] Verifying MsgQueue nodes meet minimum local space requirements 
        for File Audit Logging to be enabled for device: fs1.
        Depending on cluster size, this may take some time.
    [I] Successfully verified all configured MsgQueue nodes meet minimum local space requirements 
        for File Audit Logging to be enabled for device: fs1
    [I] Successfully updated File Audit Logging configuration for device: fs1
    [I] Successfully created File Audit Logging topic on the MsgQueue for device: fs1
    [I] Successfully created/linked File Audit Logging audit fileset .audit_log 
        with link point /gpfs/fs1/.audit_log
    [I] Successfully enabled File Audit Logging consumer group to audit device: fs1
    [I] Successfully created File Audit Logging policy partition(s) to audit device: fs1
    [I] Successfully created File Audit Logging consumer callbacks
    [I] Successfully enabled File Audit Logging for device: fs1
  2. Start of changeTo enable a file system for a specific set of events, issue this command:
    # mmaudit fs3 enable --events OPEN,CLOSE
    [I] Verifying MsgQueue nodes meet minimum local space requirements for File Audit Logging to be enabled for device: fs3.
        Depending on cluster size, this may take some time.
    [I] Successfully verified all configured MsgQueue nodes meet minimum local space requirements for File Audit Logging to be 
        enabled for device: fs3
    [I] Successfully updated File Audit Logging configuration for device: fs3
    [I] Successfully created File Audit Logging topic on the MsgQueue for device: fs3
    [I] Successfully enabled ACL access to the topic for producers and consumers for device: fs3
    [I] Successfully created/linked File Audit Logging audit fileset .audit_log with link point /fs3/.audit_log
    [I] Successfully enabled File Audit Logging consumer group to audit device: fs3
    [I] Successfully created File Audit Logging policy partition(s) to audit device: fs3
    [I] Successfully enabled File Audit Logging for device: fs3
    End of change
  3. To enable a file system with a different fileset name and the file audit logging device residing on another file system, issue this command:
    # mmaudit fs0 enable --log-fileset john1 --log-fileset-device fs1
    [I] Successfully created File Audit Logging consumer node class kafkaAuditConsumerServers
    [I] Verifying MsgQueue nodes meet minimum local space requirements 
        for File Audit Logging to be enabled for device: fs0.
        Depending on cluster size, this may take some time.
    [I] Successfully verified all configured MsgQueue nodes meet minimum local space requirements 
        for File Audit Logging to be enabled for device: fs0
    [I] Successfully updated File Audit Logging configuration for device: fs0
    [I] Successfully created File Audit Logging topic on the MsgQueue for device: fs0
    [I] Successfully created/linked File Audit Logging audit fileset john1 with link point /gpfs/fs1/john1
    [I] Successfully enabled File Audit Logging consumer group to audit device: fs0
    [I] Successfully created File Audit Logging policy partition(s) to audit device: fs0
    [I] Successfully created File Audit Logging consumer callbacks
    [I] Successfully enabled File Audit Logging for device: fs0
  4. To enable a file system with a different retention period, issue this command:
    # mmaudit fs1 enable --retention 90
    [I] Verifying MsgQueue nodes meet minimum local space requirements 
        for File Audit Logging to be enabled for device: fs1.
        Depending on cluster size, this may take some time.
    [I] Successfully verified all configured MsgQueue nodes meet minimum local space requirements 
        for File Audit Logging to be enabled for device: fs1
    [I] Successfully updated File Audit Logging configuration for device: fs1
    [I] Successfully created File Audit Logging topic on the MsgQueue for device: fs1
    [I] Successfully created/linked File Audit Logging audit fileset .audit_log 
        with link point /gpfs/fs1/.audit_log
    [I] Successfully enabled File Audit Logging consumer group to audit device: fs1
    [I] Successfully created File Audit Logging policy partition(s) to audit device: fs1
    [I] Successfully enabled File Audit Logging for device: fs1
  5. To disable a file system that was previously enabled, issue this command:
    # mmaudit fs1 disable
    [I] Successfully deleted File Audit Logging policy partition(s) for device: fs1
    [I] Successfully disabled File Audit Logging consumer group for device: fs1
    [I] Successfully deleted File Audit Logging topic from the MsgQueue for device: fs1
    [I] Successfully updated File Audit Logging configuration for device: fs1
    [I] Successfully removed File Audit Logging consumer callbacks
    [I] Successfully removed File Audit Logging consumer node class kafkaAuditConsumerServers
    [I] Successfully disabled File Audit Logging for device: fs1
  6. Start of change To update the list of events that are being audited for a specific file system to available events, issue this command:
    # mmaudit fs3 update --events ALL
    [I] Successfully updated the File Audit Logging policies for device fs3
    End of change
  7. To see which file systems are currently configured for file audit logging, issue this command:
    # mmaudit all list
    Audit     Cluster                   Fileset   Fileset             Retention 
    Device    ID                        Device    Name                (Days)    
    demo      6372129557625143312       newfs     sinkfileset         365        
    jon       6372129557625143312       jon       auditfset           90 
  8. Start of changeTo see which events are currently enabled for a file system, issue this command:
    # mmaudit fs3 list --events
    Audit       Device    Audit     Event    
    Device      Minor     Gen       Types    
    fs3         152       7         CLOSE,OPEN
    End of change
  9. To check the status of all file audit logging consumer processes on a specific node, issue this command:
    # mmaudit all consumerStatus -N c6f2bc3n10
    Dev Name    Cluster ID                Num Nodes  Node Name     Is Consumer?  Status    
    demo        6372129557625143312       1          hs22n55       yes           AUDIT_CONS_OK
    polRegress  6372129557625143312       1          hs22n55       yes           AUDIT_CONS_OK 
  10. To stop all file audit logging consumer processes on a specific node, issue this command:
    # mmaudit all consumerStop -N c6f2bc3n10
    [I] Node: c6f2bc3n10 is a consumer node, and consumer for device: fs1 successfully stopped.
    [I] Node: c6f2bc3n10 is a consumer node, and consumer for device: demo successfully stopped.
    [I] Node: c6f2bc3n10 is a consumer node, and consumer for device: jon successfully stopped.
  11. To start all file audit logging consumer processes on a specific node, issue this command:
    # mmaudit all consumerStart -N c6f2bc3n10
    [I] Node: c6f2bc3n10 is a consumer node, and consumer for device: fs1 successfully started.
    [I] Node: c6f2bc3n10 is a consumer node, and consumer for device: demo successfully started.
    [I] Node: c6f2bc3n10 is a consumer node, and consumer for device: jon successfully started.

