List of IBM Spectrum Scale management API commands

The following table lists the currently supported operations for each type of resource and resource element. The first and second columns list the resource type and the operation. The third column lists the resource and resource element terms that appear in the HTTPS request. The braces {} are a notation for indicating a resource element in text and do not appear in the actual HTTPS request. The fourth column lists the HTTP method that is called to do the operation. A footnote indicates a request that requires HTTP parameters.

Table 1. Operations supported for resources and resource elements in API version 2
Resource type Operation Resource/{element} Method
CES addresses Get information about CES addresses. /ces/addresses GET
Get information about a CES address. /ces/addresses/{cesAddress} GET
CES services Get information about CES services. ces/services GET
Get information about a CES service. /ces/services/{service} GET
Cluster Get information about the current cluster. /cluster GET
CLI audit log Gets details of the CLI commands that are issued on the cluster. /cliauditlog GET
Config Get the current configuration attributes. /config GET
File systems Get information about file systems in the cluster. /filesystems GET
Get information about a file system. /filesystems/{filesystemName} GET
ACLs Get access control list of a file or directory in a file system. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/acl/{path} GET
Get access control list for a file or directory in a file system. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/acl/{path} PUT
Start of changeFile audit loggingEnd of change Start of changeEnables file audit logging for a file systemEnd of change Start of change/filesystems/{filesystemName}/audit/enableEnd of change Start of changePUTEnd of change
Start of changeDisables file audit logging for a file system.End of change Start of change/filesystems/{filesystemName}/audit/disableEnd of change Start of changePUTEnd of change
Disks Get details about disks that are part of a file system. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/disks GET
Get details about a disk that is part of a file system. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/disks/(diskName} GET
Filesets Get information about filesets in a file system. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/filesets GET
Get information about a fileset. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/filesets/{filesetName} GET
Create a fileset. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/filesets POST
Modify a fileset. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/filesets/{filesetName} PUT
Delete a fileset. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/filesets/{filesetName} DELETE
Link an existing fileset. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/filesets/{filesetName}/link POST
Unlink a fileset /filesystems/{filesystemName}/filesets/{filesetName}/link DELETE
Quotas Get information about quota defined at the fileset level. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/filesets/{filesetName}/quotas GET
Set quota limits at the fileset level. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/filesets/{filesetName}/quotas POST
Get information about quota defined at the file system level. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/quotas GET
Set quota limits at the fileset level. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/quotas POST
Owner Get details of the owner of the file or directory in a file system. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/owner/{path} GET
Set owner of the file or directory in a file system. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/owner/{path} PUT
Policies Lists the policies that are applied on the file system. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/policies GET
Sets a policy for a file system. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/policies PUT
Information Get information about the IBM Spectrum Scale™ management API. /info GET
Jobs Get details about asynchronous jobs. /jobs GET
Get details about an asynchronous job. /jobs/{jobID} GET
Cancel a specific asynchronous job. /jobs/{jobId} DELETE
NFS exports Get information about NFS exports configured in the system. /nfs/exports GET
Get information about an NFS export configured in the system. /nfs/exports/{exportPath} GET
Create an NFS export. /nfs/exports POST
Modify an existing NFS export. /nfs/exports/{exportPath} PUT
Delete an NFS export. /nfs/exports/{exportPath} DELETE
Nodes Get information about nodes in the cluster. /nodes GET
Get information about a node. /nodes/{nodeName} GET
Add one or more nodes in the cluster. /nodes POST
Delete one or more nodes from the cluster. /nodes/{name} DELETE
Node health Get details about system health events that are reported on a node. /nodes/{name}/heath/events GET
Get details about system health states of the events that are reported in a node. /nodes/{name}/heath/states GET
Node class Get details of the node classes. /nodeclasses GET
Create a node class. /nodeclasses POST
Delete a specific node class. /nodeclasses/{nodeclassName} DELETE
Get details of a specific node class. /nodeclasses/{nodeclassName} GET
Make changed to a specific node class. /nodeclasses/{nodeclassName} PUT
Services Gets the details of the services configured on a node. /nodes/{name}/services GET
Gets the details of a specific service configured on a node. /nodes/{name}/services/{serviceName} GET
Starts or stops a service on a node or node class. /nodes/{name}/services/{serviceName} PUT
NSDs Gets information about NSDs that are part of the system. /nsds GET
Gets information about an NSD. /nsds/{nsdName} GET
Snapshots Get information about fileset snapshots. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/filesets/{filesetName}/snapshots GET
Get information about a fileset snapshot. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/filesets/{filesetName}/snapshots/{snapshotName} GET
Get information about file system snapshots. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/snapshots GET
Get information about a file system snapshot. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/snapshots/{snapshotName} GET
Create a fileset snapshot. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/filesets/{filesetName}/snapshots POST
Create a file system snapshot. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/snapshots POST
Delete a fileset snapshot. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/filesets/{filesetName}/snapshots DELETE
Delete a file system snapshot. /filesystems/{filesystemName}/snapshots DELETE
AFM peer snapshots Create a peer snapshot /filesystems/{filesystemName}/filesets/{filesetName}/psnaps POST
Delete a peer snapshot /filesystems/{filesystemName}/filesets/{filesetName}/psnaps/{snapshotName} DELETE
SMB shares Get information about SMB shares. smb/shares GET
Get information about an SMB share. /smb/shares/{shareName} GET
Create an SMB share. /smb/shares/{shareName} POST
Modify an existing SMB share. /smb/shares/{shareName} PUT
Delete an SMB share. /smb/shares/{shareName} DELETE
Performance monitoring Get performance data. /perfmon/data GET
Gets the sensor configuration. /perfmon/sensor GET
Gets details about a specific sensor configuration. /perfmon/sensor/{sensorName} GET
Modifies the sensor configuration. /perfmon/sensor/{sensorName} PUT
Thresholds Get list of threshold rules. /thresholds GET
Create a threshold rule. /thresholds POST
Delete an existing threshold rule. /thresholds/{name} DELETE
Get details of a threshold rule thresholds/{name} GET
For more information about the commands, see IBM Spectrum Scale management API commands.
Table 2. Operations supported for resources and resource elements in API version 1
Resource type Operation Resource/{element} Method
CES addresses Get information about CES addresses. /cesaddresses GET
Get information about a CES address. /cesaddresses/{cesAddress} GET
CES services Get information about CES services. /cesservices GET
Get information about a CES service. /cesservices/{service} GET
Cluster Get information about the current cluster. /cluster GET
Config Get the current configuration attributes. /config GET
Filesets Get information about filesets in the cluster. /filesets1 GET
Get information about a fileset. /filesets/{filesetName}1 GET
Create a fileset. /filesets POST
Modify a fileset. /filesets/{filesetName} PUT
Delete a fileset. /filesets/{filesetName}1 DELETE
File systems Get information about file systems in the cluster. /filesystems GET
Get information about a file system. /filesystems/{filesystemName} GET
REST API Get information about the REST API server. /info GET
Nodes Get information about nodes in the cluster. /nodes GET
Get information about a node. /nodes/{nodeName} GET
Quotas Get information about quotas. /quotas1 GET
Create or set a quota. /quotas POST
Snapshots Get information about snapshots. /snapshots1 GET
Get information about a snapshot. /snapshots/{snapshotName}1 GET
Create a snapshot. /snapshots POST
Delete a snapshot. /snapshots/{snapshotName}1 DELETE
1This operation requires parameters in the HTTP request. For more information, see the description of the command under the topic IBM Spectrum Scale management API commands.

The following table lists the HTTP methods that are currently supported for each resource type. A check mark ✓ indicates that a method is supported:

Table 3. HTTP methods supported for each type of resource in API version 2
Start of changeauditEnd of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of change End of change Start of changeEnd of change
node class
peer snapshots    
performance monitoring    
Table 4. HTTP methods supported for each type of resource in API version 1