Performance monitoring metrics in the Networks page

The performance metrics selected in the Networks page filter the performance data based on various aspects. The Networks page displays the performance data of networks and network interfaces in tabular and graphical formats. The tables that are listed in this topic provide a list of GUI metrics available at various aggregation levels. These tables also provide the mapping of GUI metrics with the corresponding mmperfmon metrics.

GUI performance metrics that are available in the grid and overview charts

The following table lists the GUI performance metrics that are available in the grid and overview charts.

Table 1. GUI performance metrics that are available in the grid and overview charts
Section Chart name or field name in GUI Corresponding mmperfmon metric name Sensor name Description
Overview charts Overall IP throughput



Network Overall network throughput that is managed by the Ethernet and InfiniBand adapters.
Overall RDMA throughput port_rcv_data


InfiniBand Overall network throughput that is managed by the RDMA network adapter.
IP interfaces by bytes sent netdev_bytes_s Network Number of bytes sent by the top network interfaces.
IP interfaces by bytes received netdev_bytes_r Network Number of bytes received by the top network interfaces.
RDMA interfaces by bytes sent port_rcv_data InfiniBand Number of bytes sent by the top network interfaces.
RDMA interfaces by bytes received port_xmit_data InfiniBand Number of bytes received by the top network interfaces.
Networks tab No performance data is displayed on this table.
IP Interfaces tab Bytes Received netdev_bytes_r Network Number of bytes of data that is received by the network interface
Bytes Sent netdev_bytes_s Network Number of bytes of data that is sent by the network interface.
Packets Received netdev_packets_r Network Number of packets that are received by the network interface.
Packets Sent netdev_packets_s Network Number of packets that are sent by the network interface.
Errors Received netdev_errors_r Network Number of data receive errors that are detected by the network interface.
Errors Sent netdev_errors_s Network Number of data sent errors that are detected by the network interface.
RDMA Interfaces tab Transmitted Data port_xmit_data InfiniBand Total number of data octets, which are divided by 4 (lanes), transmitted through all virtual lanes.
Received Data port_rcv_data InfiniBand Total number of data octets, which are divided by 4 (lanes), received on all virtual lanes.
Transmitted Packets port_xmit_packets InfiniBand Total number of packets that are transmitted through all virtual lanes from the port. This might include erroneous packets as well.
Received Packets port_rcv_packets InfiniBand Total number of packets that are received through all virtual lanes. This might include erroneous packets as well.
Received Packets with Errors port_rcv_errors InfiniBand Total number of erroneous packets that are received on the port. These errors include local physical errors an all physical errors, malformed data packet errors, malformed link packet errors, and packets discarded due to buffer overrun.
IP Addresses No performance data is displayed on this table.

GUI performance metrics that are available in the detailed view

The detailed view is available per storage pool. To access the detailed view, select the pool in the pools grid in the Pools page and click View Details. The following table lists the metrics available in the performance charts that are available in the detailed view.

Table 2. GUI performance metrics that are available in the detailed view
Tab Chart name in GUI Aggregation level Corresponding mmperfmon metric name Sensor name Description
Detailed view of IP Interfaces

Overview tab

Throughput Adapter netdev_bytes_s,


Network Overall network throughput that is managed by the Ethernet adapter.
FIFO Adapter netdev_fifo_s


Network Details of FIFO transmit and receive errors.
Packets Adapter netdev_packets_s


Network Number of packets that are sent and received by the network interface.
Errors Adapter netdev_errors_s


Network Details of the data send and receive errors that are detected by the network interface.
Drops Adapter netdev_drops_s


Network Details of the packet send and receive drops.
Collisions Adapter netdev_collisions Network Details of the collisions reported during the data transfer.
Detailed view of RDMA Interfaces

Overview tab

Throughput Adapter port_xmit_data


InfiniBand Data that is sent and received during a time interval.
Packets Adapter port_xmit_packets


InfiniBand Number of packets that are sent and received during a time interval.
Errors Adapter port_rcv_errors InfiniBand Number of packets that are received with errors.