NSDs/{nsdName}: GET

Gets information about a specific NSD that is part of the system.


Available on all IBM Spectrum Scale™ editions.


The GET nsds/nsdName request gets information about an NSD that is configured in the system. For more information about the fields in the data structures that are returned, see the topics mmcrnsd command , mmlsdisk command, and mmlsnsd command.

Request URL

https://<IP address or host name of API server>:<port>/scalemgmt/v2/nsds/nsdName
Specifies the NSD about which you need to get the details. Required.

Request headers

Accept: application/json

Request parameters

The following parameters can be used in the request URL to customize the request:
Table 1. List of request parameters
Parameter name Description and applicable keywords Required/optional
fields Comma separated list of fields to be included in response. ':all:' selects all available fields. Optional.
nsdName Name of the NSD. Required.

Request data

No request data.

Response data

    "status": {
    "next": "URL"
    },nsds": [
         "name": "Name"
         "fileSystem": FilesystemName
         "failureGroup": "Failure Group",
         "type": "Type",
         "storagePool": "Storage Pool"
         "status": "Status"
         "availability": Availability
         "quorumDisk": "Quorum Disk",
         "size": "Size",
         "availableBlocks": "Available Blocks"
         "availableFragments": "Available Fragments"
         "nsdServers": "NSD Servers"
         "nsdVolumeId": NSD Volume ID
         "oid": "OID",
The details of these parameters are given in the following list:
Return status.
"message": "ReturnMessage",
The return message.
"code": ReturnCode
The return code.
The URL to retrieve the next page. Paging is enabled when more than 1000 objects are returned by the query.
An array of information about NSDs. The array contains elements that describe the NSDs. For more information about the fields in this structure, see the links at the end of this topic.
"name": "Name"
The name of the disk.
"fileSystem": FilesystemName
The file system to which the NSD belongs.
"failureGroup": "Failure Group"
ID of the failure group to which the NSD belongs.
"type": "Type"
The type of data to be stored on the disk.
"storagePool": "Storage Pool"
The pool to which the disk belongs.
"status": "Status"
Status of the disk.
"quorumDisk": "Quorum Disk"
The quorum status of the disk.
"size": "Size"
Size of the disk.
"availableBlocks": "Available Blocks"
Available blocks in the disk.
"availableFragments": "Available Fragments"
Available fragments of the disk.
"nsdServers": "NSD Servers"
The server that manages the I/O.
"nsdVolumeId": NSD Volume ID
ID of the NSD volume.
"oid": "OID"
Internal identifier that is used for paging.


The following example gets information about the NSD nsd1 that are configured in the system.

Request URL:
curl -k -u admin:admin001 -X GET --header 'accept:application/json' 
Response data:
Note: In the JSON data that is returned, the return code indicates whether the command is successful. The response code 200 indicates that the command successfully retrieved the information. Error code 400 represents an invalid request and 500 represents internal server error.
  "status": {
    "code": "200",
    "message": "..."
  "paging": {
    "next": "https://localhost:443/scalemgmt/v2/nsds/nsd1?lastId=1001"
  "nsds": [
        "name": "nsd1",
        "fileSystem": "gpfs0",
        "failureGroup": "1",
        "type": "dataOnly",
        "storagePool": "data",
        "status": "ready",
        "availability": "up",
        "quorumDisk": "no",
        "remarks": "This is a comment",
        "size": "10.00 GB",
        "availableBlocks": "730.50 MB",
        "availableFragments": "1.50 MB",
        "nsdServers": "gpfsgui-21.localnet.com",
        "nsdVolumeId": "0A0064155874F5AA"