Filesystems/{filesystemName}: GET

Gets information about a file system.


Available on all IBM Spectrum Scale™ editions.


The GET filesystems/filesystemName request gets information about a particular file system. For more information about the fields in the data structures that are returned, see the topics mmcrfs command, mmchfs command, and mmlsfs command.

Request URL

https://<IP address or host name of API server>:<port>/scalemgmt/v2/filesystems/fileSystemName
Specifies file system as the resource of the GET call. Required.
The file system about which you want to get information. Required.

Request headers

Accept: application/json


The following parameters can be used in the request URL to customize the request:
Table 1. List of parameters
Parameter name Description and applicable keywords Required/optional
filesystemName The file system name. You can also use keywords such as :all:, :all_local:, or :all_remote: Required.
fields Comma separated list of fields to be included in response. ':all:' selects all available fields.  
filter Filter objects by expression. For example, 'status=HEALTHY,entityType=FILESET'  

Request data

No request data.

Response data

   "status": {
    "next": "URL"
   filesystems: [
         "oid":"Internal ID",
              "disks":"List of disks",
              "blockSize":Block size,
              "metaDatBlockSize":Metadata block size,
              "indirectBlockSize":Indirect block size,
              "minFragmentSize":Minimum fragment size,
              "inodeSize":Inode size,
              "logfileSize":Log file size,      
              "automaticMountOption":"{yes | no | automount }",
              "driveLetter":Drive letter,
              "remoteDeviceName":Device name,
              "strictReplication":"{no | whenpossible | always }",
              "perfilesetQuotas":"{yes | no}",        
              "filesetdfEnabled":"{yes | no}",
              "blockAllocationType":"{scatter | cluster}",
              "fileLockingSemantics":"{nfs4 | posix}", 
              "exactMTime":"{true | false}", 
              "suppressATime":"{yes | no}", 
              "fastEAEnabled":"{yes | no}", 
              "encryption":"{yes | no}", 
              "is4KAligned":"{yes | no}",
              "rapidRepairEnabled":"{yes | no}", 
              "stripeMethod":"{yes | no}", 
              "stripedLogs":"{yes | no}", 
              "ACLSemantics":"{posix | afs4 | all }",
              "DMAPIEnabled":"{yes | no}",       
For more information about the fields in the following data structures, see the links at the end of this topic.
Return status.
"message": "ReturnMessage",
The return message.
"code": "ReturnCode"
The return code.
An array of elements that describe file systems. Each element describes one file system.
"oid":"Internal ID",
Internal identifier that is used for paging.
The UUID of the file system.
Name of the file system.
File system version.
"type":"local | remote"
File system type.
Creation time.
List of pools of this file system.
"disks":"List of disks"
A semicolon-separated list of the disks that are included in the file system.
"blockSize":"Block size"
The block size of the disks in the storage pool.
"metaDataBlockSize":"Metadata block size"
Block size of metadata pool.
"indirectBlockSize":"Indirect block size"
Indirect block size in bytes.
"minFragmentSize":"Minimum fragment size"
Minimum fragment size in bytes.
"inodeSize":"Inode size"
Inode size in bytes.
"logfileSize":"Log file size"
The size of the internal log files in bytes.
Specifies the maximum length (in bytes) of write requests that are initially buffered in the highly‐available write cache before being written back to primary storage.
Default mount point.
"automaticMountOption":"{yes | no | automount }"
Indicates when the file system is to be mounted: yes when GPFS daemon starts, no to manual mount, automount when the file system is first accessed.
The mount options to pass to the mount command while mounting the file system.
Controls the order in which the individual file systems are mounted at daemon startup or when one of the all keywords is specified on the mmmount command.
"driveLetter":"Drive letter"
Drive letter when mounted on windows nodes.
"remoteDeviceName":"Device name"
Device name on the owning cluster of this cross-cluster mounted file system.
Read-only file system.
Default number of metadata replicas.
Maximum number of metadata replicas.
Default number of data replicas.
Maximum number of data replicas.
"strictReplication":"{no | whenpossible | always }"
Whether strict replication is to be enforced. 'no': not enforced, 'whenpossible': enforced if at least two failure groups present, 'always': always enforced.
Number of log replicas.
The types of quotas for which accounting is enabled. Accounting means that usage is tracked against quotas. If action needs to be taken when quotas are exceeded, quotas must be also enforced.
Quotas that are enforced for any of 'user', 'group' and 'fileset'.
Default quotas that are enabled.
"perfilesetQuotas":"{yes | no}"
Specifies whether the scope of user and group quota limit checks on the individual fileset level rather than the entire file system.
"filesetdfEnabled":"{yes | no}"
Specifies whether the quotas are enforced for a fileset, the numbers reported by the df command are based on the quotas for the fileset rather than the entire file system.
"blockAllocationType":"{scatter | cluster}"
Block allocation type.
"fileLockingSemantics":"{nfs4 | posix}"
File locking semantics in effect.
Estimated number of nodes that will mount file system.
"exactMTime":"{true | false}"
true reports exact mtime values and false mtime is only periodically updated.
"suppressATime":"{yes | no | realtime}"
Suppress the periodic updating of the value of atime as reported by stat calls.
"fastEAEnabled":"{yes | no}"
Specifies whether fast extended attributes are enabled.
"encryption":"{yes | no}"
Specifies whether encryption is enabled.
Specifies the maximum number of files that can be created inside the inode space of the root fileset of this file system.
"is4KAligned":"{yes | no}"
Whether the file system is formatted to be 4K aligned.
"rapidRepairEnabled":"{yes | no}"
Whether to keep track of incomplete replication on an individual file block basis as opposed to the entire file.
"stripeMethod":"{yes | no}"
Algorithm that is used for striping data.
"stripedLogs":"{yes | no}"
Metadata logs are striped across available metadata disks.
"ACLSemantics":"{posix | afs4 | all }"
ACL semantics supported by this file system.
"DMAPIEnabled":"{yes | no}"
Whether Data Management API is enabled on this file system.


The following example gets information about file system gpfs0.

Request data:
curl -k -u admin:admin001 -X GET --header 'accept:application/json' 
Using the field parameter ":all:" returns entire details of the file system.
Response data:
Note: In the JSON data that is returned, the return code indicates whether the command is successful. The response code 200 indicates that the command successfully retrieved the information. Error code 400 represents an invalid request and 500 represents internal server error.
  "status": {
    "code": "200",
    "message": "..."
  "paging": {
    "next": "https://localhost:443/scalemgmt/v2/filesystems/gpfs0?lastId=1001"
  "filesystems": [
      "oid": "2",
      "uuid": "0A00641F:58982753",
      "name": "gpfs0",
      "version": "17.00",
      "type": "local",
      "createTime": "Mon Feb 06 08:35:47 2017",
      "block": {
        "pools": "system;data",
        "disks": "disk1;disk2",
        "blockSize": "262144",
        "metaDataBlockSize": "262144",
        "indirectBlockSize": "16384",
        "minFragmentSize": "8192",
        "inodeSize": "4096",
        "logfileSize": "4194304",
        "writeCacheThreshold": "0"
      "mount": {
        "mountPoint": "/mnt/gpfs0",
        "automaticMountOption": "yes",
        "additionalMountOptions": "none",
        "mountPriority": "0",
        "driveLetter": "F",
        "remoteDeviceName": "gpfs0",
        "readOnly": "false"
      "replication": {
        "defaultMetadataReplicas": "1",
        "maxMetadataReplicas": "2",
        "defaultDataReplicas": "1",
        "maxDataReplicas": "2",
        "strictReplication": "whenpossible",
        "logReplicas": "0"
      "quota": {
        "quotasAccountingEnabled": "user;group;fileset",
        "quotasEnforced": "user;group;fileset",
        "defaultQuotasEnabled": "none",
        "perfilesetQuotas": "true",
        "filesetdfEnabled": "false"
      "settings": {
        "blockAllocationType": "cluster",
        "fileLockingSemantics": "nfs4",
        "numNodes": "32",
        "exactMTime": "true",
        "suppressATime": "no",
        "fastEAEnabled": "true",
        "encryption": "false",
        "maxNumberOfInodes": "3211520",
        "is4KAligned": "true",
        "rapidRepairEnabled": "true",
        "stripeMethod": "round-robin",
        "stripedLogs": "true",
        "aclsemantics": "nfs4",
        "dmapienabled": "true"