Cluster: GET

Gets details of the cluster.


Available on all IBM Spectrum Scale™ editions.


The GET cluster request gets information about the local cluster. For more information about the fields in the data structures that are returned, see the following topics: mmlscluster command, mmchfs command, and mmlsfs command.

Request URL

https://<IP address or host name of API server>:<port>/scalemgmt/v2/cluster
Specifies the IBM Spectrum Scale cluster as the resource of the GET call.

Request headers

Accept: application/json

Request data

No request data.

Response data

  "status": {
   "cluster": {
       "clusterSummary": { 
         "clusterName": "ClusterName",
         "clusterId": ID,   
         "uidDomain": "Domain"      
         "rshPath": "RemoteShellCommand",
         "rshSudoWrapper": "Path", 
         "rcpPath": "RemoteFileCopyCommand",
         "rcpSudoWrapper": "Path", 
         "repositoryType": "CCR | non-CCR",
         "primaryServer": "Server",        
         "secondaryServer": "Server",
        "cnfsSummary": { 
         "cnfsSharedRoot": "Directory"
         "cnfsMoundtPort": "Port",
         "cnfsNFSDprocs": "Number",
         "cnfsReboot": "{true | false}",      
         "cnfsMonitorEnabled": "enabled | disabled",
         "cnfsGanesha": "ServerAddress",
       "cesSummary": {
         "cesSharedRoot": "Directory",
         "enabledServices": "ServiceList",
         "logLevel": "Level",
         "addressPolicy": "{none | balanced-load | node-affinity | even-coverage}",
For more information about the fields in the following data structures, see the links at the end of this topic.
Note: The structures cesNode, cesSummary, cnfsNode, cnfsSummary, and gatewayNode appear in the output only when the corresponding role is active on the node.
A data structure that describes the local cluster. It contains the following data structures: cesSummary, clusterSummary, cnfsSummary, links, and nodes.
Cluster information.
"clusterId": "ID"
The ID of the cluster.
"clusterName": "ClusterName"
The name of the cluster.
"primaryServer": "Server"
The primary server node for GPFS cluster data.
"rcpPath": "RemoteFileCopyCommand"
The remote file copy command.
"rcpSudoWrapper": ""
The fully qualified path of the remote file copy program for sudo wrappers.
"repositoryType": "CCR | non-CCR"
The type of repository that the cluster uses for storing configuration data.
"rshPath": "RemoteShellCommand"
The remote shell command.
"rshSudoWrapper": "Path"
The fully qualified path of the remote shell program for sudo wrappers.
"secondaryServer": "Server"
The secondary server node for GPFS cluster data.
"uidDomain": "Domain"
The UID domain name of the cluster.
CNFS cluster information.
"cnfsGanesha" : "IPAddress"
The server address of the Ganesha CNFS server.
"cnfsMonitorEnabled" : "enabled" | "disabled"
The state of CNFS monitoring.
"cnfsMoundtPort" : "Port"
The port number of the rpc.mountd daemon.
"cnfsNFSDprocs" : "Number"
The number of nfsd server threads.
"cnfsReboot" : "true" | "false"
Whether the node restarts when CNFS monitoring detects an unrecoverable problem.
"cnfsSharedRoot" : "Path"
A directory that the CNFS subsystem uses.
CES cluster information.
"enabledServices": "ServiceList"
A comma-separated list of the services that are enabled. The list can include NFS, SMB, OBJ, BLOCK, or None.
"addressPolicy": "{none | balanced-load | node-affinity | even-coverage}"
The address policy for distributing CES addresses.
"cesSharedRoot": "Directory"
The CES shared root directory, which is used for storing CES shared configuration data.
"logLevel": Level
The CES log level.
Return status.
"message": "ReturnMessage",
The return message.
"code": ReturnCode
The return code.


The following example gets information about the local cluster.

Request data:
curl -k -u admin:admin001 -X GET --header 'accept:application/json'
Response data:
Note: In the JSON data that is returned, the return code indicates whether the command is successful. The response code 200 indicates that the command successfully retrieved the information. Error code 400 represents an invalid request and 500 represents internal server error.
  "status": {
    "code": "200",
    "message": "..."
  "cluster": {
    "clusterSummary": {
      "clusterName": "",
      "clusterId": "13445038716632536363",
      "uidDomain": "",
      "rshPath": "/usr/bin/ssh",
      "rshSudoWrapper": "no",
      "rcpPath": "/usr/bin/scp",
      "rcpSudoWrapper": "no",
      "repositoryType": "CCR",
      "primaryServer": "",
      "secondaryServer": ""
    "cnfsSummary": {
      "cnfsSharedRoot": "/mnt/objfs",
      "cnfsMountdPort": "111",
      "cnfsNFSDprocs": "32",
      "cnfsReboot": "yes",
      "cnfsMonitorEnabled": "yes",
      "cnfsGanesha": ""
    "cesSummary": {
      "cesSharedRoot": "/mnt/objfs/ces",
      "enabledServices": "SMB,NFS",
      "logLevel": "0",
      "addressPolicy": "even-coverage"