CES/services: GET

Gets information about CES services.


Available on all IBM Spectrum Scale™ editions.


The GET ces/services request gets information about the CES (Cluster Export Services) services in the cluster. For more information about the fields in the returned data structure, see mmces command.

Request URL

https://<IP address or host name of API server>:<port>/scalemgmt/v2/ces/services
Specifies CES services as the resource. Required.

Request headers

Accept: application/json


No parameters.

Request data

No request data.

Response data

   "status": {
      "code": ReturnCode,
      "message": "ReturnMessage"
   "cesservices": {
        "protocolStates": [
            "enabled":"{yes | no}",            
      "protocolNodes": [
            "serviceStates": [
                  "running":"{yes | no}",                   

The details of the parameters are provided in the following list:

Return status.
"code": ReturnCode,
The return message.
"message": "ReturnMessage"
The return message.
Information about CES services. The information consists of two arrays, protocolNodes and protocolStates. Each array contains multiple elements, with one element for each CES service. For more information about the fields in these structures, see the link at the end of this topic.
An array of information about the services. Each element describes one service:
Identifies the service such as CES, NETWORK, NFS, or SMB.
"enabled":"{yes | no}"
Indicates whether the service is enabled.
An array of information about protocol nodes. Each array element describes one protocol node.
The name of the node.
An array of information about the services for which the node is a protocol node.
Name of the service.
"running":"{yes | no}"
Indicates whether the service is running.


The following example gets information about the CES services.

Request data:
curl -k -u admin:admin001 -X GET --header 'accept:application/json' 
Response data:
Note: In the JSON data that is returned, the return code indicates whether the command is successful. The response code 200 indicates that the command successfully retrieved the information. Error code 400 represents an invalid request and 500 represents internal server error.

The protocolNodes array returns the details of the protocols configured in each protocol node. The protocolStates array provides the status of the protocols.

  "cesservices" : {
    "protocolNodes" : [ {
      "nodeName" : "mari-12.localnet.com",
      "serviceStates" : [ {
        "running" : "yes",
        "service" : "OBJ"
      }, {
        "running" : "yes",
        "service" : "SMB"
      }, {
        "running" : "yes",
        "service" : "NFS"
      } ]
    }, {
      "nodeName" : "mari-13.localnet.com",
      "serviceStates" : [ {
        "running" : "yes",
        "service" : "OBJ"
      }, {
        "running" : "yes",
        "service" : "SMB"
      }, {
        "running" : "yes",
        "service" : "NFS"
      } ]
    }, {
      "nodeName" : "mari-14.localnet.com",
      "serviceStates" : [ {
        "running" : "yes",
        "service" : "OBJ"
      }, {
        "running" : "yes",
        "service" : "SMB"
      }, {
        "running" : "yes",
        "service" : "NFS"
      } ]
    }, {
      "nodeName" : "mari-15.localnet.com",
      "serviceStates" : [ {
        "running" : "yes",
        "service" : "OBJ"
      }, {
        "running" : "yes",
        "service" : "SMB"
      }, {
        "running" : "yes",
        "service" : "NFS"
      } ]
    } ],
    "protocolStates" : [ {
      "enabled" : "yes",
      "service" : "OBJ"
    }, {
      "enabled" : "no",
      "service" : "BLOCK"
    }, {
      "enabled" : "yes",
      "service" : "SMB"
    }, {
      "enabled" : "yes",
      "service" : "NFS"
    } ]
  "status" : {
    "code" : 200,
    "message" : "The request finished successfully"