Setting up the objectizer service interval

Take the following steps to set up the objectizer service interval.

The default interval between the completion of an objectizer cycle and the starting of the next cycle is 30 minutes. However, this needs to be planned properly based on the following:

  • The frequency and the number of new file ingestions that you are expecting to be objectized.
  • The number of protocol nodes you have deployed.
  • How quickly you need the ingested file to be objectized.
Note: Objectization is a resource intensive process. The resource utilization is related to the number of containers that have unified file and object access enabled. The schedule of running the objectization process must be planned carefully. Running it too frequently might impact your protocol node's resource utilization. It is recommended to either schedule it during off business hours, especially if you have a small number of protocol nodes (say 2) with basic resource configuration, or schedule with an interval of 30 minutes or more if you have protocol nodes with adequate resources (where the number of protocol nodes > 2). It is recommended to set the objectizer service interval to a minimum of 30 minutes or more irrespective of your setup. If you need to urgently objectize files then you can use the mmobj file-access command that allows you to immediately objectize the specified files.