Configuring AD without TLS for object access

Configuring AD without TLS does not provide secured communication between the IBM Spectrum Scale™ system and the authentication server.

  1. Submit the mmuserauth service create command as shown in the following example:
    # mmuserauth service create --type ad --data-access-method object 
    --user-name "cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=IBM,dc=local" --password "just4YOU" 
    --base-dn "dc=IBM,DC=local" --ks-dns-name c40bbc2xn3 --ks-admin-user admin 
    --servers myADserver --user-id-attrib cn --user-name-attrib sAMAccountName 
    --user-objectclass organizationalPerson --user-dn "cn=Users,dc=IBM,dc=local" 
    --ks-swift-user swift --ks-swift-pwd Passw0rd
    The system displays the following output:
    Object configuration with LDAP (Active Directory) as identity 
    backend is completed successfully.
    Object Authentication configuration completed successfully.
  2. To verify the authentication configuration, issue the mmuserauth service list command as shown in the following example:
    # mmuserauth service list
    The system displays the following output:
    FILE access not configured
    PARAMETERS               VALUES
    OBJECT access configuration: AD
    PARAMETERS               VALUES
    ENABLE_SERVER_TLS        false
    ENABLE_KS_SSL            false
    USER_NAME                cn=Administrator,cn=Users,dc=IBM,dc=local
    SERVERS                  myADserver
    BASE_DN                  dc=IBM,DC=local
    USER_DN                  cn=users,dc=ibm,dc=local
    USER_OBJECTCLASS         organizationalPerson
    USER_NAME_ATTRIB         sAMAccountName
    USER_ID_ATTRIB           cn
    USER_MAIL_ATTRIB         mail
    USER_FILTER              none
    ENABLE_KS_CASIGNING      false
    KS_ADMIN_USER            admin