Configuring AD-based authentication with LDAP ID mapping

AD authentication with LDAP ID mapping provides a way for IBM Spectrum Scale™ to read ID mappings from an LDAP server as defined in RFC 2307. The LDAP server must be a stand-alone LDAP server. Mappings must be provided in advance by the administrator by creating the user accounts in the AD server and the posixAccount and posixGroup objects in the LDAP server. The names in the AD server and in the LDAP server have to be the same. This ID mapping approach allows the continued use of existing LDAP authentication servers that store records in the RFC2307 format. The group memberships defined in the AD server are also be honored in the system.

In the following example, AD is configured with LDAP ID mapping.
  1. Submit the mmuserauth service create command as shown in the following example:
    mmuserauth service create --data-access-method file --type ad --servers myADserver 
    --user-name administrator --password Passw0rd --netbios-name specscale 
    --idmap-role master --ldapmap-domains "DOMAIN1(type=stand-alone:range=1000-100000
    Note: The bind_dn_password cannot contain the following special characters: semicolon (;), colon (:), opening brace '( ', or closing brace ')'.
    The system displays the following output:
    File authentication configuration completed successfully.
  2. Issue the mmuserauth service list to verify the authentication configuration as shown in the following example:
    # mmuserauth service list
    The system displays the following output:
    FILE access configuration : AD
    SERVERS myADserver
    USER_NAME administrator
    NETBIOS_NAME specscale
    IDMAP_ROLE master
    IDMAP_RANGE 10000000-299999999
    IDMAP_RANGE_SIZE 1000000
    LDAPMAP_DOMAINS DOMAIN1(type=stand-alone: range=1000-100000:
  3. Verify the user name resolution on the system. Confirm that the resolution is showing IDs that are pulled from LDAP attributes on the AD server.
    # id DOMAIN\\administrator
    uid=10002(DOMAIN\administrator) gid=10000(DOMAIN\domain users) 
    groups=10000(DOMAIN\domain users