Setting the IP address for a RDMA-capable Ethernet port

You can use either the service assistant GUI or the command-line interface to define an IP address for RDMA-capable Ethernet ports on a node. If you add a node to a system that uses RDMA-capable Ethernet ports for node-to-node communications, you must define IP addresses for each RDMA-capable Ethernet port on all the nodes in the system.

To use RDMA-capable Ethernet ports, you must install the 25-Gbps Ethernet adapter on each node in the system and ensure all installation requirements for the adapter are met. The following instructions assume that installation of both the node hardware and adapter are correct.

Using the service assistant GUI

  1. In a supported browser, enter the service IP address for one of the nodes in the system.
  2. In the service assistant GUI, select the one of the nodes and select Change Node IP.
  3. On the Change Node IP panel, select one of the RDMA-capable Ethernet port on the node to configure and click Modify.
  4. Enter the IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and VLAN ID for the selected RDMA-capable Ethernet ports.
    Note: The IP address and subnet mask for each port must be unique and cannot be used anywhere else on the system. However, the VLAN ID for RDMA-capable Ethernet ports on all nodes must be the same, or connections between the nodes that use these IP addresses will fail. You cannot add or change VLAN ID independently. They must be configured when the IP addresses and other settings of the RDMA-capable Ethernet ports are defined.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Repeat these steps for each RDMA-capable Ethernet port for the new node. Depending on the number of nodes in your system, up to 8 RDMA-capable Ethernet ports can be configured, with 2 ports per node.
  7. To verify the connection to new port, select Ethernet Connectivity to view details. The new port is displayed in the results. If connectivity issues are present, view the Error Data column, which displays one of these connection errors:
    Table 1. RDMA-capable Ethernet ports connectivity issues and possible action
    Connection Error Cause Possible Action
    Protocol Mismatch Indicates that the protocol on the source and destination adapters is not the same. This error occurs when the RDMA-capable adapters are not using the same technology across all the nodes in the system. To fix this error, complete these steps:
    1. Install the 25-Gbps Ethernet adapters on each of the nodes. If you are using RDMA-technology for node-to-node communications, ensure that the RDMA-capable adapters use the same technology, such as RoCE or iWARP. These RDMA-capable adapters must be installed in the same slots across all the nodes of the system. These installation requirements ensure that port identifiers are same across all nodes in the system.
    2. Redefine settings for the RDMA-capable Ethernet ports.
    Unreachable Indicates that the local and remote IP addresses cannot be reached. This error can occur if one of the nodes in the system is offline. You can also use the ping command to troubleshoot connectivity issues between the nodes. Select Monitoring > Events to view errors and run any necessary fix procedures to return the node to an online status. After the errors are resolved, redefine the settings for RDMA-capable Ethernet ports.
    Duplicate IP addresses Indicates that one or more IP addresses are being used in the network. Each node IP address must be unique. To fix this error, update the IP address for the port with a unique IP address.
    Degraded Indicates that the negotiated speed on both the local and remote adapters is not the same. Degraded status occurs when one or both adapters are configured at lower speed rather than the maximum speed that the adapters support. To fix this issue, ensure that adapters on both nodes are configured at the maximum speed. Select Monitoring > Events to view error messages that are related to this connection status. Run any fix procedures that are associated with this status.
    VLAN ID Mismatch If VLANs are being used in your network, this error indicates that the local and remote port virtual LAN identifiers are not the same. To fix this error, ensure that the local and remote nodes belong to the same VLAN. Verify that VLAN ID for both the local and target port are the same. If they are not, complete these steps to change the VLAN ID for the port:
    1. Ensure that VLAN support is configured correctly on the all the Ethernet switches in your network. On each switch, set VLAN to "Trunk" mode and specify the VLAN ID for the RDMA-capable Ethernet ports that will be in the same VLAN.
    2. If RDMA-capable Ethernet ports are already configured on the system, ensure that one redundant path remains available by updating only one port at a time.
    3. Since the VLAN ID cannot be changed independently and must be defined with other RDMA port settings, unconfigure the current IP address for the port in the service assistant or use the satask chnodeip -noip -port_id command.
    4. Redefine the port information, specifying the IP address and the correct VLAN ID. Use either the Service Assistant or command-line instructions.
    5. Wait at least 15 seconds before you complete these steps for the other ports in the system.
    Note: You can also use the management GUI to display this information by selecting Settings > Networks > Ethernet Connectivity.

Using the command-line interface

To add an RDMA-capable Ethernet ports to a node in the CLI, complete these steps:
  1. To define port IP addresses, enter the following command:
    satask chnodeip  -ip ip_address -mask mask -gw gateway -port_id port_number -vlan vlanid panel_name
    where ip_address is the IP address for the new port and node name (panel_name) is the name of the node to which you are adding the new port. Ensure that the new port uses the same VLAN ID (vlanid) as other IP addresses on RDMA-capable Ethernet ports on the node.
    Note: The IP address and subnet mask for each port must be unique and cannot be used anywhere else on the system. However, the VLAN ID for RDMA-capable Ethernet ports on all nodes must be the same, or connections between the nodes that use these IP addresses will fail.
  2. To verify that the new IP address is added to the node, enter the following command:
    sainfo lsnodeipconnectivity
    In the results that display, a value of Status:Connected indicates a successful connection. If connection errors occur, possible reasons for these errors are displayed in the error_data parameter. You can also use the ping command to troubleshoot connectivity issues between the nodes. For descriptions of these error states, see the service assistant GUI instructions.