Create and share a notebook

In this lesson, you create a notebook for the Spark instance group and share the notebook with multiple users known as collaborators.

About this task

Notebooks provide an interactive environment for data analysis, enabling you to explore and visualize data analytics from your browser. In a previous lesson, you enabled the Jupyter notebook during Spark instance group creation. In this lesson, you create the Jupyter notebook for the consumer administrator user, and assign collaborators to use the notebook.

This lesson uses the following concepts:
Concept Description
notebook Provides an interactive environment for data analysis, which enables you to explore and visualize data analytics from your browser.
notebook collaboration Notebook collaboration enabled cluster administrators, consumer administrators, or owners of a notebook with the Data Scientist role to share that notebook with multiple users known as collaborators, allowing these users to view and manage that notebook's files.
Spark instance group An installation of Apache Spark that can be scaled to run multiple Spark master, with history server, shuffle service, and notebooks configured. A Spark instance group is a collection of services that are associated with a top-level consumer. You can monitor and manage a Spark instance group and drill down to manage the related applications, services, and service instances.

To create and share a notebook:


  1. Select the Spark instance group and click the Notebooks tab.
  2. Click Create Notebooks for Users.
  3. The default notebook is automatically selected. If you have more than one notebook enabled for the Spark instance group, you can create multiple notebooks at once for each enabled notebook.
  4. Select the user to own the notebook, then click Create. You can select multiple users to create a notebook for each user.
  5. Select the notebook that you want to share, and click Manage Collaborators.
  6. Select collaborators for the notebook, and click Apply.


In this lesson, you learned to create a notebook for the Spark instance group and assign collaborators for the notebook.

In the next lesson, you submit and monitor a Spark batch application.