IBM Tivoli Federated Identity Manager, Version

Supported macros for customizing an authentication login form

This topic describes the set of macros for customizing an authentication login form.

Tivoli® Federated Identity Manager supplies contextual authentication parameters in customizing login forms. When using WebSEAL as the point of contact server, these are query-string parameters to the login page. For WebSphere®, they are in the WASReqURL cookie when the login page is loaded. The parameters are macros in the configuration of the authentication callback for the point of contact server profile.
Note: When you use the WebSphere point of contact, the value of the query string parameter needs to be URL decoded twice.
Supported macros are:
  • Protocol independent macros
  • SAML protocol macros
  • OpenID protocol macros
  • OAuth protocol macros
Note: If the value of authentication.macros is longer than the permitted length of query string parameter, the WASReqURL cookie will not be present in the identity provider.

Protocol independent macros for customizing an authentication login form

The following macros are protocol independent and can be used regardless of the federation type used.

Table 1. Supported Protocol independent macros
Macro Query-String Parameter name Description
%FEDID% FedId Specifies a unique identifier (UUID) used internally by Tivoli Federated Identity Manager to identify the federation.
%FEDNAME% FedName Specifies the user-assigned name of the federation.

SAML protocol supported macros for customizing an authentication login form

The following macros are supported for SAML protocol. Macros are supported for both SAML 1.x and SAML 2.0, except as indicated.

Table 2. Supported SAML protocol macros
Macro Query-String Parameter name Description and value
%PARTNERID% PartnerId Represents the SSO partner that the user uses to sign in.

SAML value: The value is the ProviderID of the partner.

%TARGET% Target Represents the target URL at the partner, if known.

SAML value: The value is the value of the target parameter.


Supported for SAML 2.0 only.

Represents RelayState data in accompanying the SSO request, if applicable.

SAML value: The RelayState data that accompanies the SAML AuthnRequest.

%ACSURL% AssertionConsumerURL Represents the assertion consumer service URL of the partner, if applicable.

SAML value: The value is the Partner ACS URL.

%AUTHNCONTEXT% AuthnContext Supported for SAML 2.0 only

Represents the AuthnContext in request (if applicable).

SAML value: The value is a base-64 encoded string representing the XML from the RequestedAuthnContext in the SAML AuthnRequest (if present).

%SSOREQUEST% SSORequest Supported for SAML 2.0 only

Represents the entire SSO request (if applicable).

SAML value: The value is a base-64 encoded string representing the XML from the entire SAML AuthnRequest.

%FORCEAUTHN% ForceAuthn Supported for SAML 2.0 only

The value true or false.

SAML value: If the ForceAuthn flag is set in the SAML 2 SSO request causing the user to re-authenticate, the value is true. Otherwise the value is false.

OpenID supported macros for customizing an authentication login form

The following macros are supported for the OpenID protocol.

Table 3. Supported OpenID protocol macros
Macro Query-String Parameter name Description and value
%PARTNERID% PartnerId Represents the SSO partner that the user uses to sign in.

OpenID value: The value of the openid.trustroot parameter.

%TARGET% Target Represents the target URL at the partner, if known.

OpenID value: The value of the openid.return_to parameter.

%SSOREQUEST% SSORequest Represents the entire SSO request (if applicable).

OpenID value: The checkid_setup request as a base64-encoded version of the url-encoded SSO request.

%UNSATISFIEDPAPEPOLICIES% UnsatisfiedPapePolicies Represents a list of strings which represent PAPE policies. These strings are returned as "not yet satisfied" by the identity provider mapping rule in an OpenID identity provider federation.

OpenID value: PAPE policies returned in the ContextAttributes Attribute openid.pape.to_be_satisfied_auth_policies

%FORCEAUTHN% ForceAuthn Specifies if authentication on the identity provider is forced. The values are true or false.

OpenID value: The value is true if one of these criteria is satisfied:

  • the PAPE max_auth_age was zero (meaning forced to authenticate again)
  • the IDP mapping rule on the OpenID identity provider is forcing authentication due to unsatisfied PAPE policies
  • the authentication time returned by the IDP mapping rule does not satisfy the (non-zero) max_auth_age requested by the RP

Otherwise, the value is false.

OAuth protocol supported macros for customizing an authentication login form

The following table indicates how an OAuth federation populates the authentication macros.

Table 4. Supported OAuth protocol macros
Macro Query-String Parameter name Description and value
%PARTNERID% PartnerId The OAuth unique client identifier.
%TARGET% Target OAuth client redirection URI.
%SSOREQUEST% SSORequest A base-64 encoded string representing the query and body parameters from the OAuth request.
