
Selects the outermost parent of the current block of the type that is specified. If the currently selected block has multiple parent blocks of the same type, then the parent farthest from the current block is selected. This action uses the document block layout that is created by the DocumentAnalytics actions.

Important: This action is currently released as a preview. If you use this action in your application, you might need to make updates to your application if a new version of this action released.


bool SelectParentBlockOuterType (string  selectType)


string selectType

The type of the outer most parent block to select.

Smart parameters are supported.


True if the word or phrase is located on the page. Otherwise, False.


Field or page level.


This action is usually the last rule of a Locate RuleSet, and is used when the probable area of the sought after value has been found.

In this example the selected block will be the one of type Block that is the farthest parent to the block containing the found word. The available block types are: Document, Page, Title, Block, Table, Row, Cell, Paragraph, Header, and Footer. Consider a page that contains the following nested block layout:
[Word] "Date" [/Word] 
In this example, the selected block would be the Block that is the first child to the Page block.