
Starting from the location of a previously found word or phrase, this action locates the first occurrence of a word or phrase in the currently selected block where the input search term is specified as a regular expression. Once the regular expression has been matched, the location of the found word or phrase will be remembered so the result can be used by subsequent actions. This action uses the document block layout that is created by the DocumentAnalytics actions.

Important: This action is currently released as a preview. If you use this action in your application, you might need to make updates to your application if a new version of this action released.


bool RegExFindNext_InBlock (StrParam) 


A word or phrase to find in the current field. The parameter is expected to be a Regular Expression. The search is case sensitive.


True if the word or phrase is located within the currently selected block. Otherwise, False.


Page or field level.


Starting from the location of a previously found word or phrase, this action locates the first occurrence of a word or phrase in the currently selected block where the input search term is specified as a regular expression. Once the regular expression has been matched, the location of the found word or phrase will be remembered so the result can be used by subsequent actions. Additionally, the found word becomes the currently selected word and the block region of that word becomes the currently selected block area within the document block layout. Subsequent block actions act upon the currently selected block, allowing the area of interest to be changed to control the area of the page that is the target of subsequent actions.


In this sequence, the first action looks for ItemID starting from the beginning of the currently selected block. If the search succeeded, the selected block is changed to the containing line, then changed to the following line. RegExFindNext_InZone looks for the first occurrence of Description within the line that follows ItemID, selects the word that follows ItemID, and updates the current field.