
The currently selected block in the document layout is changed to the next sibling block at the same level in the structure. The number of siblings that are moved is determined by the input parameter. This action uses the document block layout that is created by the DocumentAnalytics actions.

Important: This action is currently released as a preview. If you use this action in your application, you might need to make updates to your application if a new version of this action released.


bool GoSiblingBlockNext (string count) 


string count
The number of sibling blocks to move. Smart parameters are supported.


True if the sibling is found at the location that is specified from the currently selected block. Otherwise, False.


Page or field.


When a sibling block is selected, the currently selected block becomes the sibling block and the currently selected word is changed to the first word in the new block and that word might be in a nested block. Any searches that look for the next instance will start from the location of this selected word.

For example, if the currently selected block is a line and the parameter is two, then the currently selected block moves down two lines in the structure and the currently selected block will be the sibling line and the selected word will be the first word in the new line. If there is no sibling at that location, then the current block is not changed and the action returns false.


This example finds the matching text for the regular expression Da.e, then select the parent block of type Block. It then moves down two blocks of type Block. Now, the currently selected block is a type block and the currently selected word is the first word in that block. Then, another search is run within that new block for Qty. If Qty does not exist within the bounds of that new block, the action returns false.