Automatic login from web-based applications

The login page of the IBM® InfoSphere® Information Server console and web-based applications contain an option that enables you to log in automatically in your subsequent attempts.

You can select the Automatically log in option after you specify the username and password, to automatically connect to IBM InfoSphere Information Server console and web-based applications. The Automatically log in option is enabled by default after installation. Make sure that you enable the browser cookies. When this option is enabled, you are automatically logged in when you connect to the IBM InfoSphere Information Server console from the same URL and from the same web browser, unless you clicked the Logout link in the previous session to log out.

You can log in to IBM InfoSphere Information Server without specifying your login details for 14 days by default. However, the IBM InfoSphere Information Server administrator can modify the maximum number of days a user is remembered.

To disable this feature or to log in with a different username and password, you must click the Logout link to log out of the session. When you explicitly log out of a session, the browser cookie is removed and you are prompted to specify the username and password when you log in the next time.