Creating parameters in your sequence jobs

You use parameters in your sequence jobs to specify values at run time, rather than hard coding the values. Specifying the value of the parameter each time that you run the sequence job ensures that you use the correct resources, such as the database to connect to and the file name to reference.

About this task

Values for parameters are collected when you run the sequence job. The parameters that you define are available to all activities in your sequence job, so all available parameters are listed in this page. For example, if you are scheduling three jobs, each of which requires an input file at run time, you can specify a distinct parameter for each of the input files. You then edit the Job for each activity to use the parameters that you created. When you run the sequence job, the Job Run Options window opens, prompting you to enter values for each parameter. The appropriate file name is then passed to each job as it runs.


  1. Open the job that you want to define parameters for.
  2. Click Edit > Job Properties to open the Job Properties window.
  3. Click the Parameters tab.
  4. Enter the following information for the parameter that you are creating. Each parameter represents a source file or a directory.
    Parameter name
    The name of the parameter.
    The text that displays for this parameter when you run the job.
    The type of parameter that you are creating, which can be one of the following values:
    Parameter type Description
    String Used to specify a text string.
    Encrypted Used to specify a password. The default value is set by double-clicking the Default Value cell to open the Setup Password window. Type the password in the Encrypted String field, then type it again in the Confirm Encrypted String field.
    Integer Used to specify a long integer. This value can be -2147483648 up to 2147483647.
    Float Used to specify a double integer. This value can be 1.79769313486232E308 to -4.94065645841247E-324, and 4.94065645841247E-324 to -1.79769313486232E308.
    Pathname Used to specify a path name or file name.
    List Used to specify a list of string variables. To create a list, double-click the Default Value cell to open the Setup List and Default window.
    Date Used to specify the date in the format yyyy-mm-dd.
    Time Used to specify the time in the format hh:mm:ss.
    Default value The default value for the parameter, such as a directory path.
    Help text The text that displays if you click Property Help in the Job Run Options window when you run the job.
  5. Click OK to close the Job Properties window.