Import command for InfoSphere Data Click assets

Use the istool import command with the -dataclick parameter to import InfoSphere® Data Click activities. This command is used when transferring assets from one metadata repository to another.


You import activities from an archive file that has the .isx extension.

Each InfoSphere Data Click activity has an attribute that specifies which InfoSphere Information Server engine and InfoSphere DataStage® project the activity belongs to. If an engine or project that was on the computer that you exported the activities from does not exist on the target computer, you can associate activities from the source engine and project to an existing engine and project on the target computer by using the -renameProject and -toProject options.

Note: You can use a single the istool import command with the -all parameter to import most types of metadata assets from an archive file. See Moving all assets from one metadata repository to another.


To import activities, you must have the InfoSphere Data Click Author role, and you must have access to the InfoSphere DataStage projects that the activities are associated with. A user with the DataStage and Quality Stage Administer role has access and can grant access to all projects.

You must run the command on a computer where InfoSphere Data Click is installed.

If the InfoSphere Information Server engines or InfoSphere DataStage projects that you exported from your source system do no exist on the target computer, you must associate the assets to engines and projects that exist on the target computer.

Command syntax

The preferred way to run this command is in the istool command-line window. If you run this command in your operating system command-line window or in scripts, you must add istool to the command name.
authentication parameters
[generic parameters] 
[-abortAfter number_of_errors]
-archive "file_name_and_path"
[-preview | -replace]
[-responseFile "file_name_and_path"]
	[-renameProject <engine>/<project> -toProject <engine>/<project>]
Note: Two single quotation marks (') are required after the -dataclick parameter even if no import options are specified.


All asset interchange commands use authentication parameters to connect to a specific installation of InfoSphere Information Server.
generic parameters
The generic parameters are available to all asset interchange commands. Use the generic parameter to request help on command syntax, or to specify silent or verbose operation.
-abortAfter | -abort number_of_errors
Stops the import after the specified number of errors.
-archive | -ar path_name
Required. Specifies the .isx file to import assets from.
-preview | -pre
Previews the import. The preview lists the assets that are imported when the import runs.
Replaces or merges existing assets with imported assets. If you specify the -replace parameter, and an asset with the same identity exists in the target metadata repository, the existing asset is replaced by or merged with the imported asset, depending on the type of asset.
-responseFile | -rf "file_name_and_path"
Specifies the name and path of a response file that contains assets that failed to import during a run of a previous istool import -dc command. Not supported with the -preview parameter. For more information, see Using a response file with istool export and istool import commands.
-dataclick | -dc
Specifies that InfoSphere Data Click activities are imported. The parameter must be followed by two single quotation marks ('), for example, -dc ''. You can specify the following options:
-renameProject | -ren
Use this option when you want to associate activities to a different engine or project than the activities were associated with on the computer from which they were exported. The value of the -renameProject option is the name of the engine and project that existed on the source computer. The activities are associated to the engine and project that are specified by the value of the -toProject option. You specify both engine and project, separated by a forward slash (/). You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard to specify any projects on the same engine or to specify any engines that contain the same project name. You can specify multiple -renameProject options to rename multiple engines and projects at once. Immediately after each -renameProject option, you must specify a corresponding -toProject option.
-toProject | -to
Specifies the name of the engine and project that you want to associate activities with on the target computer. This option must directly follow the -renameProject option that specified the original engine and project for the activities.
In the following example of a partial command, activities in all projects that were on the engine OLDENGINE in the source environment are transferred to the engine NEWENGINE in the target environment. Both the engine named NEWENGINE and all the projects must already exist in the target environment.
-dataclick '-renameProject OLDENGINE/* -toProject NEWENGINE/*'
In the following example of a partial command, the activities in project PROJECT_1 on the engine A200 in the source environment are transferred with the same project name to the engine B300 in the target environment. Both the B300 engine and the PROJECT_1 project must already exist on the target computer.
-dataclick '-renameProject A200/PROJECT_1 -toProject B300/PROJECT_1'

Importing multiple types of assets

If the archive file includes multiple types of assets, you must specify each type of included metadata on the command line when you import the archive file, otherwise only InfoSphere Data Click assets are imported. For example, if the archive was exported with the -includeDependent option, it could include related common metadata.

Archive files can contain assets from multiple exports of multiple tools. For best performance, when you import from an archive file, or when you migrate assets of varying types in multiple archive files, run separate commands to import the following types of assets in the following order:
  1. Users and groups
  2. Common metadata
  3. InfoSphere DataStage and QualityStage® assets.
  4. Reports.
  5. InfoSphere Information Analyzer assets.
  6. InfoSphere FastTrack assets.
  7. InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog extended data sources.
  8. InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog extension mapping documents.
  9. InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog business glossary assets. In versions earlier than 11.3, these assets are created in InfoSphere Business Glossary.
  10. Custom attributes for InfoSphere Information Governance Catalog extended data sources and extension mappings. In versions earlier than 11.3, these assets are created in InfoSphere Metadata Workbench.
Asset types not listed can be imported in any order.

Exit status

A return value of 0 indicates successful completion, any other value indicates failure.


The following command imports all activities from the file myarchive.isx:
import –dom ABC:9443 –u user1 –p pass1 
-archive "c:\myarchive.isx" –dataclick ''
The following command imports all activities from the archive file and associates those activities that were associated with the DataClick project on the ISEngine computer in the source environment to the DataClick2 project on the ISEngine computer in the target environment. The target engine and project must already exist in the target environment.
import –dom ABC:9443 –u user1 –p pass1 
-ar "c:\myarchive.isx"
 –dc '-renameProject ISEngine/DataClick -toProject ISEngine/DataClick2' 
The following command imports all activities from the archive file and associates activities that were associated with the MyDataClick project on any source engine to the project TeamDataClick on any target engine whose name is the same as the source engine.
import –dom ABC:9443 –u user1 –p pass1 
-ar "c:\myarchive.isx"
 –dc '-renameProject */MyDataClick -toProject */MyDataClick' 
The following command imports all activities from the archive file and associates activities that were associated with any project on the source engine IS_Engine to projects of the same name on the target engine DS_engine.
import –dom ABC:9443 –u user1 –p pass1 
-ar "c:\myarchive.isx"
 –dc '-renameProject IS_Engine/* -toProject DS_engine/*'