Error message reference (z/OS File stage)

These error messages might appear in the job log for InfoSphere® DataStage®.

The following messages are generated by the IBM® InfoSphere Classic Federation Server for z/OS®, but they appear in the job log for IBM InfoSphere DataStage. For the complete text of these messages, go to

Table 1. z/OS File stage messages
Message number Severity Description
0x00DA0001 Informational No defined text; this message is used to write messages that appear on the console to the job log for Classic federation. The action to take depends on the message text. This message is not returned to the InfoSphere DataStage job log; the message is written only to the job log for Classic federation.
0x00DA0002 Informational No defined text; this message is used to write general diagnostic trace messages to the job log for Classic federation. This message number is used when the Classic federation TRACE LEVEL parameter is set to 1, 2, or 3. This message is not be returned to the job log forInfoSphere DataStage; the message is written only to the job log for Classic federation.
0x00DA0003 Error Internal error, initialization failed.

An internal error occurred when Classic federation initialized the InfoSphere DataStage job. Call IBM support.

0x00DA0004 Error Unrecognized command, cmd

The InfoSphere DataStage job passed an invalid command to the Classic federation server. This error might be caused when the version of InfoSphere DataStage and the version of the Classic federation server are incompatible.

0x00DA0005 Informational Dataset not found on request for information for dsname

The InfoSphere DataStage job attempted to get information about a data set that does not exist. This message does not necessarily indicate that an error has occurred.

0x00DA0018 Error Dataset, dsname, exclusively held by another job/user for command cmd

A z/OS File stage job requested the exclusive use of a data set that is in use by another job or by another z/OS user. To correct this error, do one of the following:

  • Change the value of the Allocation type property in the z/OS Stage properties to Shared.
  • Run the z/OS File stage job when the data set is available for exclusive use. You can use a z/OS system command similar to /D GRS,RES=(hlq,*) to determine if other jobs are holding a data set.
0x00DA001c Error
DDName, ddname, is already in use

The Classic federation server is already using the specified DD name. The DD name is only used internally.

0x00DA0027 Informational JCL parameters ignored for command cmd. JCL-parms

One or more of the parameters that InfoSphere DataStage sent to the data server were ignored. The parameters that were ignored are displayed in a list.

0x00DA0028 Error Internal error on command, cmd. Required parameter DD name passed as null.

A DD name is a required parameter on many of the calls that InfoSphere DataStage makes to the data server. On the command that is specified in the message, the DD name was missing.

0x00DA0029 Error Internal error on command, cmd. Required parameter ReplyMsg passed as null.

An area in which to place reply message text is a required parameter on the commands that InfoSphere DataStage makes to the data server. On the command listed, the reply area was missing.

 0x00DA002a Error Internal error on command, GETINFO. Dataset, dsname, found in allocation table. But value of DD name is null in allocation object.

The data server encountered an unexpected problem.

0x00DA0101 Error Incorrect disposition, disposition.

An invalid value was used in the DISP JCL parameter. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0102 Error LRECL already set

Two LRECL JCL parameters were passed to the data server. One parameter was a stand-alone parameter, and one was a sub-parameter of DCB. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0103 Error BLKSIZE already set

Two BLKSIZE JCL parameters were passed to the data server. One parameter was a stand-alone parameter, and one was a sub-parameter of DCB. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0104 Error RECFM already set

Two REFM JCL parameters were passed to the data server. One parameter was a stand-alone parameter, and one was a sub-parameter of DCB. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0105 Error setDISP internal error

This message indicates an internal error in the data server.

0x00DA0106 Error SPACE unit parm invalid, unit

The SPACE JCL parameter specified a value other than TRK or CYL. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0107 Error Primary space parm missing

A SPACE JCL parameter is missing the required primary space amount subparameter. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0108 Error Non numeric in primary space parm

A SPACE JCL parameter specified a non-numeric value for the primary space amount subparameter. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0109 Error Non numeric in secondary space parm

A SPACE JCL parameter specified a non-numeric value for the secondary space amount subparameter. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA010b Error Comma missing between SPACE unit and primary space parms

A SPACE JCL parameter has an invalid format. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA010c Error Comma missing in SPACE parm before RLSE

A SPACE JCL parameter has an invalid format. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA010d Error Too many parms for SPACE primary, secondary space allocation amounts.

A SPACE JCL parameter has an invalid format. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA010e Error Too many parms on SPACE keyword

A SPACE JCL parameter has an invalid format. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA010f Error Embedded parens not allowed in DCB parmlist

A DCB JCL parameter has an invalid format. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer. Contact IBM support.

0x00DA0110 Error Unexpected end of DCB parmlist

A DCB JCL parameter has an invalid format. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0111 Error Equal sign missing after DCB keyword keyword

A DCB JCL parameter has an invalid format. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0112 Error Non numeric in LRECL parameter

An LRECL JCL parameter has a non-numeric value. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0113 Error Non numeric in BLKSIZE parameter

A BLKSIZE JCL parameter has a non-numeric value. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0114 Error Invalid RECFM value, recfm-value

A RECFM JCL parameter has an invalid value. Valid values are F, FB, FBS, V, VB, and VBS. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0115 Error Invalid DSORG value, dsorg-value

A DSORG JCL parameter has an invalid value. The only valid value is PS.JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0116 Error Unrecognized DCB keyword, keyword

A DCB JCL parameter has an invalid subparameter keyword value. Valid keyword values are LRECL, BLKSIZE, DSORG, and RECFM. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0117 Error Non numeric in LRECL parm

An LRECL JCL parameter has a non-numeric value. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0118 Error SPACE specification missing for create of new file

A SPACE JCL parameter is required to create a new data set. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0119 Error SPACE specification missing for create of new file

A SPACE JCL parameter is required to create a new data set. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA011a Error DCB specification missing for create of new file

A DCB JCL parameter is required to create a new data set. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA011b Error Invalid delimiter, delim, in DSN after data set name, dsname

The message might be caused by an invalid data set name. Verify that Dataset name property of the z/OS File stage specifies a valid data set name.

0x00DA011c Error Invalid delimiter, delim, in DISP

An invalid DISP JCL parameter was found. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0131 Error Name/value terminator, ‘terminator-char', missing after keyword

A required character such as a comma or a close parenthesis was not found. This string is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0132 Error Equal sign missing after keyword, keyword

An required equal sign is missing. This string is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0133 Error Comma missing after keyword, keyword

A required comma is missing. This string is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0134 Error Unrecognized JCL parameter

An unrecognized JCL parameter was found. JCL is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA013e Error The specified member name, member-name, on data set, dsname, is invalid

The PDS or PDSE member name has an invalid format or the member does not exist. Specify the correct value for the Dataset name property of the of the z/OS File stage.

0x00DA0200 Error Call to AllocSQLMsg failed for error code error-code. Descriptive-error-information

An error occurred in the data server. This message is not returned to the job log forInfoSphere DataStage. The message is written to the job log for Classic federation and to the z/OS system log.

0x00DA0201 Error Cmd error Descriptive-error-text

The dynamic z/OS data set allocation routine that the data server called failed. The descriptive error text might contain z/OS codes and messages. The job log for Classic federation and the z/OS system log might contain other messages. Use these messages to diagnose and correct the problem. For more information about these codes and messages, see the z/OS V1R10.0 MVS Programming Authorized Assembler Services Guide, which is available at

0x00DA0202 Error Name/token, name/token, not found for, name-token-cmd

An invalid request, parameter, or parameter value was sent to the data server. The request string is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0203 Error Name/token error rc returned by request, name-token-cmd, for token name, name-token.

An invalid request, parameter, or parameter value was sent to the data server. The request string is generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0204 Error Error accessing internal allocation table, func. Error description is alloc-table-error-desc.

An error occurred when the data server was accessing an internal allocation table.

0x00DA0205 Error Memory allocation error

An error occurred when the data server was allocating memory.

0x00DA0206 Error Invalid parms on GETINFO request

When the z/OS job requested information about a file, the data server encountered an invalid parameter on the request. This message might occur because the Dataset name property in the z/OS File stage properties specifies an invalid data set name. Specify a valid data set name. If data set name is valid and this message occurs, contact IBM support.

0x00DA0207 Error Catalog interface error Descriptive-information

The data server attempted to get information about a data set and encountered an error. This message might occur because the Dataset name property in the z/OS File stage properties specifies an invalid data set. Specify a valid data set name and verify that the file exists on z/OS. Correct the error and then run the job again.

0x00DA0209 Error Cmd error Descriptive-error-text

The data server attempted to delete a member of a PDS or PDSE and encountered an error. This message might occur because the member does not exist. If the member exists and this message occurs, contact IBM support.

0x00DA0210 Error DD name ddname not defined

A GETINFO request was made to process a file allocated to ddname, and the DD name was not allocated to the data server address space. DD names are generated internally and cannot be controlled by the InfoSphere DataStage job developer.

0x00DA0211 Error DD name ddname refers to an HFS file

A GETINFO request was made to process a file allocated to ddname, and the file was an HFS file. Classic federation does not support HFS files. Enter an MVS data set name in the Dataset name property in the z/OS File stage properties and then run the job again.