Configuring the ODBC driver and the ODBC data source name

To access ODBC data sources from InfoSphere® Information Server, you must configure the ODBC driver and the ODBC data source name (DSN) definitions.

Before you begin

  • Install client libraries.
  • Test the connection to the ODBC data source.
  • On 64-bit Windows computers, make sure that you run the 32-bit version of the Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe, as InfoSphere Information Server is a 32-bit application. If you run the 64-bit version of the ODBC administrator application, the Netezza connector cannot to locate the specified data source name. If the ODBC administrator application is not accessible through the File menu by default, use the Windows Explorer to access the application.


  1. Configure the ODBC DSN definitions:
    Table 1. Configuring the ODBC data source name definitions
    Operating System Procedure
    UNIX or Linux Set the ODBCINI environment variable to point to the .odbc.ini file. The.odbc.ini file contains the ODBC DSN definitions.
    Note: The ODBCINI environment variable is set in the dsenv script automatically as part of the InfoSphere Information Server installation process.
    Microsoft Windows The DSN definitions are managed by the ODBC driver manager application included with the operating system. The ODBC DSN definitions must be configured as System DSN definitions in the ODBC data source Administrator. The ODBCINI environment variable is not applicable on Microsoft Windows.
  2. Add the path to the directory that contains the client libraries to the library path environment variable.
    The default path for client libraries is as follows:
    • On Windows, C:\IBM\InformationServer\ODBCDrivers. On the Microsoft Windows, the ODBC driver manager library is provided by the operating system. The location of the ODBC driver manager is automatically included in the PATH environment variable.
    • On Linux and UNIX, /opt/IBM/InformationServer/Server/branded_odbc/lib. The ODBC driver manager is included with InfoSphere Information Server
  3. On UNIX and Linux computers, to restart the server engine and the ASB Agent, enter the following command:
    cd Install_directory/Server/DSEngine/bin
    ./uv -admin -stop
    ./uv -admin -start
    cd Install_directory/ASBNode/bin
    . ./
    ./ stopAgent
    ./ start