Managing certificates

The installation program creates a certificate for you. You can change the certificate, such as if you want to certify it with a certificate authority or update the certificate when it expires. After you change a certificate, you run the command to permanently accept the certificate to prevent other command line tools to prompt to accept the certificate.

About this task

About the IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Liberty Profile SSL configuration

The SSL key that is used by the application server is stored in the IS_install_path/wlp/usr/servers/iis/resources/security/iis-server-keystore.p12 file.

The keystore configuration is defined in the IS_install_path/wlp/usr/servers/iis/server.xml file:

<keyStore id="iis-server-keystore"
  password="${iis.keystore.password}" type="${iis.keystore.type}"/>

For more details about WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile SSL configurations see Securing communications with the Liberty profile.

During installation, the SSL key and self-signed certificate is generated as follows:

IS_install_path/jdk/bin/keytool -genkeypair -alias iisSSL -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048
  -sigalg SHA512withRSA -dname subject_name -validity validity_days
  -storetype PKCS12 -keypass key_password -storepass key_password
  -keystore IS_install_path/wlp/usr/servers/iis/resources/security/iis-server-keystore.p12

Where the following values are replaced by the ones that are provided during the installation interview or from the response file:

The key subject and issuer distinguished name. They are both identical since the certificate is self-signed. The default value is as follows; however, you can change the information to be more specific for your organization during installation:
CN=current_host_name,OU=Software Group,O=IBM,C=US
The number of days that the key is valid. The default value is 365.
The keystore password and key password. A different keystore password and key password is not currently supported; both must be identical. The default value is iiskeypass, which you can change during installation.
About the IBM WebSphere Application Server SSL configuration

After installation, you can change the SSL server key:

  • You can generate a new key and self-signed certificate, such as when your current certificate expires.
  • You can have an existing certificate signed with a trusted certificate authority (CA).
