Deprecated stages

Connectors, which offer better functionality and performance, replace some stages, which were deprecated and removed from the palette. However, you can still use the deprecated stages in jobs and add them back to the palette.

The following stage types were removed from palette for the parallel job canvas:

The following stage type was removed from the palette for the server job canvas:
When you create new jobs, consider using connectors instead of the deprecated stages. The following table describes the connector to use in place of the deprecated stages:
Table 1. Stages and corresponding connectors
Deprecated stage Connector stage

DB2 UDB Enterprise
DB2 UDB Load

DB2 Connector


DRS Connector

Dynamic RDBMS

DB2 Connector
Oracle Connector
ODBC Connector

Java Client
Java Transformer

Java Integration stage

Netezza Enterprise

Netezza Connector

ODBC Enterprise

ODBC Connector

Oracle 7 Load
Oracle OCI Load
Oracle Enterprise

Oracle Connector

Teradata API
Teradata Enterprise
Teradata Load
Teradata Multiload

Teradata Connector

WebSphere MQ

WebSphere MQ Connector

To use any of the deprecated stage types in new jobs, drag the stage type from the repository tree to the canvas or to the palette. From the repository tree, expand Stage Types. Under Stage Types, expand Parallel or Serverdepending on the stage that you want to use. Drag the stage type to the job canvas or to the palette.