Migrating from Tivoli NetView for z/OS V6R2

When you are migrating from the Tivoli® NetView® for z/OS® V6R2, you can either add the NetView V6R2M1 content into your V6R2 NetView definitions, or add your V6R2 customization to the default V6R2M1 members supplied with the NetView program. Either way, place the customized member into an appropriate user-allocated data set such as NETVIEW.V621USER.CNM01.DSIPARM. Do not customize members in the SMP/E-managed data sets such as NETVIEW.V6R2M1.DSIPARM.

Usage note: The migration information is based on the NetView components that are supplied with the initial release of V6R2M1. Review your maintenance to see if you already made some of the changes.

Several factors can influence the method that you use when migrating your NetView definition members. Factors such as the size and complexity of your network, security policies that must be followed, and established practices within your business can all influence what is the best method for your migration. The checklist that follows details the documented method of migration as outlined in this book and supported by other books in the NetView library. Choose the method of migration that is best for you.

Do the following steps to migrate your V6R2 definitions:
  1. Allocate a new set of V6R2M1 user data sets by running the CNMSJ002 sample job. You did this when you completed the steps in Table 1.
  2. Define a unique &NV2I value (xx) for each NetView domain.
  3. Review your customized V6R2 copy of the CNMSTYLE member. If you did not already do so, move all of your domain-specific customization of V6R2 CNMSTYLE statements into the CxxSTGEN member and all of your system-wide customization of V6R2 CNMSTYLE statements into the CNMSTUSR member. Do not copy your V6R2 CNMSTYLE member into the V6R2M1 user DSIPARM data set.
  4. Review the CNMSTYLE information in this chapter and the V6R2M1 CNMSTNXT member that is included with the NetView program. Place any domain-specific customization of CNMSTYLE statements into the CxxSTGEN member and any system-wide customization of CNMSTYLE statements into the CNMSTUSR member. Do not modify the V6R2M1 default CNMSTYLE member.
  5. Review the remaining information in this chapter, and migrate your V6R2 NetView definition members and JCL procedures as appropriate, placing only those members that were modified into the V6R2M1 user data sets.
Figure 1 shows the NetView V6R2M1 initialization flow. Keep this new initialization flow in mind as you make changes to your DSIPARM members.
Figure 1. NetView Initialization Flow
NetView Initialization Flow
For changes by release, including changed panels, commands, messages, and samples, see the following appendixes: