Handling exceptions

How to check for problems with the ECI and EPI classes when starting methods, using Visual Basic and VBScript.

One way of handling exceptions is to use the ErrorWindow method and set it to false, then check the ExCode and ExCodeText methods after a call to see what the return codes are. The ErrorWindow method is not the recommended way and exists only to support compatibility with earlier versions for old applications.

The recommended way os handling exceptions is to use the Err objects which Visual Basic and VBScript provide. An Err object contains the information about an error. Visual Basic supports On Error Goto and On Error Resume features to detect that an error has occurred. VBScript only supports the On Error Resume Next feature. If you use On Error Resume Next either in Visual Basic or VBScript, you must always enter this line before any COM object call that you expect could return an error. Visual Basic/VBScript might not reset the Err variable unless you do this.

The type of interface you have selected (you DIM'ed a variable as either Object or classname) will affect the value contained in the Err.number property. It is possible to write a generic routine that handles all values in Err.Number and converts them to the documented ExCode error codes available. The example code following shows how to achieve this.

To get full advantage of this technique, ensure that you get full information in the Err object. Issue the following call after creating the ECI object:
ECI.SetErrorFormat 1
or, for EPI:
EPI.SetErrorFormat 1

The following sample shows how to handle errors in Visual Basic.

Figure 1. Visual Basic exception handling sample
Private Sub Command1_Click() 
' The following code assumes you have created the 
' required objects first, ECI, Connect, Flow, UOW, 
' Buffer 
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler 
conn.Link flow, "EC01", buf, uow 
Exit Sub  
' Ok, the Connect call failed 
' Parse the Error Number, this will work regardless of 
' how the ECI objects were Dimmed 
Dim RealError As CclECIExceptionCodes 
RealError = (Err.Number And 65535) - eci.ErrorOffset
If RealError = cclTransaction Then 
' Transaction abend, so query the Abend code 
  AbendCode = flow.AbendCode   
  If AbendCode = "AEY7" Then   
    MsgBox "Invalid Userid/Password to execute CICS Program", , "CICS ECI Error"   
    MsgBox "Unable to execute EC01, transaction abend:" + AbendCode, , "CICS ECI Error"   
  End If 
   MsgBox Err.Description, , "CICS ECI Error" 
End If 
End Sub

The following sample shows error handling code for VBScript.

Figure 2. VBScript exception handling sample
On Error Resume Next 
con.Link flow, "EC01", buf, uow 
if Err.Number <> 0 then 
' Ok, the Connect call failed 
' Parse the Error Number, this will work regardless of 
' how the ECI objects were Dimmed 
  RealError = Err.Number And 65535 - eci.ErrorOffset 
' 13 = CclTransaction, a transaction abend.  
  If RealError = 13 Then 
' Transaction abend, so query the Abend code 
    AbendCode = flow.AbendCode
    If AbendCode = "AEY7" Then
      Wscript.Echo "Invalid Userid/Password to execute CICS Program"
      Wscript.Echo "Unable to execute EC01, transaction abend:", AbendCode
    End If
     Wscript.Echo Err.Description
   End If
 End If