Configuring the Rational Quality Manager server

To integrate Rational DOORS version 9.4 and later and Rational Quality Manager, you must configure the Rational Quality Manager server to communicate with the Rational DOORS server.

About this task

Note: This topic applies to Rational DOORS version 9.4 and later. For information about integration Rational Quality Manager with Rational DOORS version 9.3 and earlier, see the related topic in the Rational DOORS version 9.3/9.4 documentation.
To configure this integration, you must perform the following tasks on the Rational® Quality Manager server:
  • Set up Rational Quality Manager to allow the connection from Rational DOORS
  • Add Rational DOORS to Rational Quality Manager as a friend
  • Add Rational DOORS to the whitelist in Rational Quality Manager
  • Associate a Rational DOORS module view, which represents a collection of requirements, or an entire DOORS database with a Rational Quality Manager project


  1. Set up Rational Quality Manager to allow the connection from Rational DOORS:
    1. In your web browser, open the Application Administration page on the Rational Quality Manager server. Enter the following URL in your browser: https://[fully qualified hostname]:9443/[application]/admin to access the application, where [application] is qm. For example,
    2. On the Application Administration page, at the Application tab, in the Communication section in the navigation menu on the left, click Consumers (Inbound).
    3. Create a consumer entry for Rational DOORS. Enter a consumer name, such as DOORS, enter a consumer secret, and then click Register. Make a note of the consumer secret. It is used later when you set up Rational DOORS.
    4. Rational DOORS is now registered in Rational Quality Manager as a consumer. Navigate to the list of authorized keys, and make a note of the consumer key that has been automatically allocated. It is used later when you set up Rational DOORS.
  2. Add Rational DOORS to Rational Quality Manager as a friend:
    1. In the navigation menu on the left, click Friends (Outbound), and in the Friends pane, click Add.
    2. Enter a name for the connection, such as DOORS.
    3. At the Root Services URI field, enter the URL for the Rational DOORS service. This service is hosted on Rational DOORS Web Access, and the default URL is https://hostname:8443/dwa/public/rootservices.
    4. Enter an OAuth secret (for example, DOORS). Make a note of the OAuth secret. It is used later when you set up Rational DOORS.
    5. Click Create Friend. A green confirmation message is displayed.
    6. Click Next. Make a note of the provisional key. It is used later when you configure Rational DOORS to access Rational Quality Manager.
    7. Click Finish.
  3. To approve the provisional key:
    1. Open the Rational DOORS client.
    2. Click File > OSLC > Local Keys.
    3. Select the provisional key that was created in step 2 and approve it.
  4. Add Rational DOORS to the whitelist in Rational Quality Manager:
    1. In the navigation page on the left, click Whitelist (Outbound).
    2. At the Enter Base URL field, enter the URL of the Rational DOORS database. The default URL is https://hostname:8443/.
    3. Click Add. A green confirmation message is displayed.
  5. Associate a Rational DOORS module view or database with a Rational Quality Manager project:
    1. On the Application Administration page for Rational Quality Manager, select the Project Areas tab and click Active Project Areas.
    2. Select a project area from the Active Project Areas list.
    3. Scroll to the Associations section and click Add.
    4. In the Add Association window, at the Application field, select the Rational DOORS application. The Association field indicates the service that is provided in the integration. Confirm that the association "Uses - Requirements" is selected.
    5. In the Artifact Containers list, select a Rational DOORS module view or a database for the integration and click OK.
    6. Click Save at the top of the project area page.