Module comparison markup

When you run the module comparison wizard, you can show differences in a column in the newer module. Switch off the filter to see the changes with markup.

The changes are marked as follows:

Table 1. Module comparison markup
If... Then...
An object has been inserted The object heading and object text of the inserted object is shown in the comparison column in blue, underlined text.
An object has been deleted The object that precedes the deleted object has: Deleted object <object ID> follows here in red, italicized text.

The object heading and object text of the deleted object is shown in red text with strikethrough.

The heading number of an object has changed as a result of changes to the module structure The old heading number is shown in red with strikethrough, and the new heading number is blue and underlined.
An object has been edited Deletions within text are shown in red with strikethrough, and additional text is blue and underlined.

The new column is a layout DXL column. Layout DXL can be memory intensive, as the associated DXL is recalculated each time Rational® DOORS® refreshes the display. If you do not want the DXL to be recalculated on each refresh, you can convert the layout DXL column to attribute DXL.

Note: The attribute DXL column does not contain markup, and only provides information about changes to the structure of the module. Changes to text within objects are not recorded.