Command-line switches for the database server

You can use command-line switches to set options for the dbadmin command and to manage the IBM® Rational® DOORS® database server.

Note: To use the dbadmin command, the -data switch is required. If you omit that switch or use an invalid data value, the command cannot run and this message is shown: -F- DBADMIN: Server not specified.

For the list of the command-line switches for the Rational DOORS client, see Command-line switches for the Rational DOORS client.

Table 1. Command-line switches for the dbadmin command in Rational DOORS
Switch (abbreviation) Parameter Description
-data (-d) port@DOORSserver This switch identifies the database server, where port is the port number that the database server is using and DOORSserver is the name of the computer where the database server is installed. This switch is always required.
-killprocess (-k) channel_identifier This switch disconnects the user connection that is specified by the channel_identifier parameter.

The channel_identifier parameter is displayed by the -userlist switch.

-killserver (-K)   This switch stops the server.
-locklist (-l)   This switch lists all of the files that are currently locked and the channel identifier for each file.
-outfile (-o) filename This switch sends output to a file.

Use this switch with the -locklist and -userlist switches.

-password (-P) password This switch is the current password for the server.
-newpassword (-p) newpassword This switch is the new password for the server.
-unlock (-U) channel_identifier This switch unlocks the file that is specified by the channel_identifier parameter.

The channel_identifier parameter is displayed by the -locklist switch.

-userlist (-u)   This switch lists all of the user connections.
-serverLogging log_level If the server was started with the loglevel and logfile parameters, you can use this switch to change the level of logging.

You do not need to restart the server for the new log level to take effect.

For more information about logging, including a description of log levels, see Log files.
-logxconfig (-X) logging_file_name The full name of the log4cxx configuration file; for example, c:\Program Files\IBM\Rational\DOORS\9.6\logging-config.xml. Log4cxx is a framework for logging application messages. When you use this parameter on the command line or in the registry, application messages are output to in the specified configuration file. Six levels of message are logged:
  • INFO, including ACK, CONFIRM, and QUERY
-tdsUserFilterLimit string This switch sets limits on Rational Directory Server user searches.
-tdsGroupFilterLimit string This switch sets limits on Rational Directory Server group searches.
-useCardAuthentication   This switch turns on smart card authentication.
-doNotUseCardAuthentication   This switch turns off smart card authentication.
-useOSUserAuthentication   This switch turns on OS user authentication.
-doNotUseOSUserAuthentication   This switch turns off OS user authentication.
-secure on, ON, off, OFF This switch specifies whether the Rational DOORS server is configured to start in secure mode.
-keyDB filename This switch is the full path to the key database file that contains the keys that are used for Rational DOORS SSL authentication and validation, including the file name.

The default path is DOORS\9.version\certdb\client_authentication.kdb.

This switch takes precedence over the -certdb switch. To specify a location for the Rational Directory Server key database folder, use the -certdb switch. To specify a separate location for the Rational DOORS SSL key database file, use the -keyDB switch.

-certdb folder_name This switch identifies the folder that contains the key database files that contain the keys for the Rational Directory Server and Rational DOORS SSL.

The default path is DOORS\9.version\certdb\.

To put the key database files for Rational DOORS SSL in a separate folder, use the -keyDB switch. The -keyDB switch takes precedence over the -certdb switch.

-certName string This switch identifies the label of the certificate that identifies the server during secure authentication.

The default label is IBMSV1.

-serverhostname string This switch is the name that the server uses to identify itself during certificate validation.

The default label is IBMEDSERV.

Table 2. Command-line switches for the dbadmin in Rational DOORS Web Access
Switch (abbreviation) Parameter Description
-dwaHost DWAserver This switch identifies the Rational DOORS Web Access server, where DWAserver is the fully qualified host name of the computer that the web server is running on; for example,
-dwaPort port This switch identifies the port number that the Rational DOORS Web Access server is running on.

See important notes after this table about default values and URIs.

-dwaProtocol http or https This switch specifies the protocol that the Rational DOORS Web Access server is using.

If communication is secure, enter https. Otherwise, enter http. Do not enter both.

See important notes after this table about the relationship of protocol and default port values.

-dcnEnable   This switch enables the Data Change Notifications that are required to enable communication with the Rational DOORS Web Access server and broker.
-dcnBrokerUri tcp://broker:61616 This switch identifies the Rational DOORS Web Access broker, where broker is the computer that is hosting the broker and 61616 is the default port number that the broker uses.
-dcnChannelName dcn This switch sets up the Data Change Notifications channel. The channel name is always "dcn".
-dcnInfo   This switch checks the status of the Data Change Notifications service.
-dcnEnable   This switch turns on the Data Change Notifications service.
-dcnDisable   This switch turns off the Data Change Notifications service.
Important: If the -dwaPort switch is empty, the value of the port defaults to the standard port for the selected protocol:
  • If -dwaProtocol="https" and -dwaPort="", then the stored port number is 443.
  • If -dwaProtocol="http" and -dwaPort="", then the stored port number is 80.

    If the -dwaPort value is set to match the default, and the -dwaProtocol value is changed, the port value is changed to match the default value of the new protocol. For example, if the current setting is -dwaProtocol="http" and -dwaPort="80", and the dbadmin command is run again with -dwaProtocol="https", then the port value is reset to 443.

    The client and interoperation server that are available in the current release of Rational DOORS do not include the port value in generated URIs. If you are using an older client, generated URIs might include the port value.

Table 3. Command-line switches for the doorsd in Rational DOORS
Switch (abbreviation) Parameter Description
-minstall -port port_number -serverdata server_data_path This switch creates an additional Rational DOORS database server service on computers with Windows operating systems if the parameters are set with these values:
  • portnumber is equal to the data connection port
  • server_data_path is equal to the data directory folder on the server
For example: "doorsd -minstall -port 36666 -serverdata C:\Program Files(x86)\IBM\Rational\DOORS\9.6\new_data". An instance number, such as 00001, is assigned to the new service.
-remove   This switch removes the default service that is created when the database server is installed the first time.
-mremove -i service_instance_number This switch removes a specific instance of the database server service where portnumber is equal to the instance number assigned to the name of the database service.
-list   This switch outputs a list, in table format, of all configured Rational DOORS database server services and their status.
-logfile log_file This switch set the file that is used for database server transaction logging. For a description of log levels, see Log files.
-loglevel log_level This switch sets the level of detail for information that is recorded by the database server transactional logging. Use the value 0 to turn off logging. Use the value 6 to produce the most verbose details.
-start   This switch starts the default database server service.
-stop   This switch stops the default database server service.

Example command-line command

You can use command-line switches on the command line and in shortcuts.

To shut down a server that is running at 36677@IBMEDSERV, enter this command:
dbadmin -data 36677@abc -killserver

Example shortcut command

To start a server, use the following shortcut. Revise the command to reflect your Rational DOORS installation path.
"C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\Rational\DOORS\9.6\bin\doorsd.exe" -start