Exchanging requirements with other databases

You can exchange requirements data with other databases using the standard Requirements Interchange Formats. Rational® DOORS® supports two Requirements Interchange Formats: ReqIF and RIF.

Note: Do not copy the Rational DOORS data directory from one database to another to create a duplicate instance of the data. The data directory contains integration and configuration information that is specific to the database in which the data is created. To exchange data between databases, use the Requirements Interchange Formats that are described in this topic.
The first standard that is used is RIF version 1.2, which was introduced in Rational DOORS version Typically, you use RIF to send data for editing and return to another Rational DOORS database. A second standard that is called ReqIF version 1.0 was introduced in Rational DOORS version 9.4. ReqIF version 1.1 was introduced in Rational DOORS version 9.5.2 and is fully compatible with ReqIF version 1.0. ReqIF is an evolution of the original RIF standard, and is governed by the Object Management Group (OMG). Typically, you use ReqIF to send Rational DOORS data for editing and return to:
  • A Rational DOORS Next Generation database
  • A Rational DOORS database version 9.4 or later

The main difference between the two standards is the format of the XML file that is created when you export the requirements data. However, Rational DOORS supports the two standards seamlessly, and working with two standards has a minimal effect on the tasks you perform when you are exchanging requirements data. The only impact that it has on your day-to-day work is when you send requirements from Rational DOORS, you must specify whether it is a ReqIF file or a RIF file. Apart from that, your procedures are the same whether you are dealing with ReqIF files or RIF files.

This table shows the version of ReqIF or RIF to use when you are exchanging data between two Rational DOORS databases.
Table 1. RIF and ReqIF compatibility table
Originating database Target database ReqIF or RIF
Versions before Versions before None
9.2.x after 9.x after RIF
9.3.x 9.x after RIF
9.4.x 9.2.x after and 9.3.x RIF
9.4.x 9.4.x and 9.5.x ReqIF
9.5.x 9.2.x after and 9.3.x RIF
9.5.x 9.4.x and 9.5.x ReqIF
9.6.x 9.6.x ReqIF

After the exported data has been edited by the third party, it is returned to the originating Rational DOORS database, and, if appropriate, merged with the original data. Returning the data and merging it is a two-step process.

How you use the function depends on whether you are:
  • The originating database, sending the data to a third-party, and then receiving updated data back from them
  • The third party, receiving the data, and then editing and returning it to the originating database