Exporting to spreadsheet

You can export your current view, or selected attributes, to a CSV (comma-separated value) or a TSV (tab separated value) file. The exported file can be imported by packages such as Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access.

Before you begin

Save the module so that the data you export includes any recent changes.

About this task

In CSV and TSV files, the rows and columns of the spreadsheet (or database table) are stored as lines of text.

The export spreadsheet tool creates one line in the file for each object being exported.

Typically, each line represents one spreadsheet or database row. Each data item in a line is separated by a comma, or a tab, depending on the file type. However, if the exported data contains new lines, the strings that contain the new line characters are enclosed in quotation marks.

You can create a list of attributes to export, or you can export the columns in the current view.

You can include the names of the attributes in the file or, if you export the display set, you can include the column titles.

When you export to a spreadsheet, rich text formatting and special characters are not preserved. To preserve rich text formatting, export to a Microsoft Word table. You can then copy and paste the Word table into the spreadsheet.

Use the advanced options to select an encoding for the exported spreadsheet.

Note: Excel 2000 does not support UTF-8 CSV files. If you are going to view the CSV file using Excel 2000, you must export it with UTF-16 encoding.


  1. Click File > Export > Spreadsheet.
  2. Select the options that you want to apply to the export, and then click Export.
    For more information about the export options, click Help.