Standard options

The definitions for the standard options.

For the Eclipse OpenJ9 VM, see OpenJ9 command-line options for information about nonstandard (-X) options.

Loads a native agent library <libname>; for example -agentlib:jdwp. For more information, specify -agentlib:jdwp=help on the command line.
Loads a native agent library by full path name.
-cp <directories and .zip or .jar files separated by :>(Use ; on Windows systems)
Sets the search path for application classes and resources. If -classpath and -cp are not used and the CLASSPATH environment variable is not set, the user class path is, by default, the current directory (.).
-classpath <directories and .zip or .jar files separated by :>(Use ; on Windows systems)
Sets the search path for application classes and resources. If -classpath and -cp are not used and the CLASSPATH environment variable is not set, the user class path is, by default, the current directory (.).
-D<property name>=<value>
Sets a system property.
-help or -?
Prints a usage message.
Load a Java™ programming language agent. For more information, see the java.lang.instrument API documentation.
Include user private Java runtime environments in the version search.
Exclude user private Java runtime environments in the version search.
Prints product version and continues.
Enables verbose output. Separate multiple options using commas. The available options are:
Writes an entry to stderr for each class that is loaded.
Writes verbose garbage collection information to stderr. Use -Xverbosegclog (see -Xverbosegclog option in the OpenJ9 user documentation for more information) to control the output.
Writes information to stderr describing the JNI services called by the application and JVM.
Writes information to stderr describing the active memory usage settings.
Writes information to stderr describing the Java and C stack usage for each thread.
Prints product version.
Requires the specified version to run, for example 1.5.
Prints help on nonstandard options.