Receiver user exit overview

Receiver user exits provide a call to an external program during the ebMS process flow of a message.

Receivers that call user exits require you to develop OSGi bundles with OSGi services with one or both of the following public user exit Java™ APIs exported as an OSGi service in your OSGi bundle:
Develop user exit OSGi services for messages before they enter the process flow in either AS4 or messaging receivers.
Develop user exit OSGi services for messages after they exit the process flow in either AS4 or messaging receivers.
Tip: The user exit Java APIs are in the Members\resources\userexits installation directory.
The use of the destination user exits is determined during your AS4 configuration for the following processes in the system:
  • AS4 receivers
  • AS4 messaging receivers
User exits must be developed and deployed on the system before you manage and configure your user exits in the system for Pre-process and Post-process. User exits for receivers can be specified for the following exchange profiles in the system:
  • AS4 receiver Pre-process
    • AS4 inbound two-way synchronous exchange profile
    • AS4 inbound two-way push pull exchange profile
    • AS4 inbound one-way push exchange profile
    • AS4 inbound one-way pull exchange profile
  • AS4 receiver Post-process
    • AS4 inbound two-way synchronous exchange profile
    • AS4 inbound two-way pull exchange profile
    • AS4 inbound one-way pull exchange profile
  • AS4 messaging receiver Pre-process
    • AS4 outbound two-way synchronous exchange profile
    • AS4 outbound two-way push pull exchange profile
    • AS4 outbound one-way push exchange profile
    • AS4 outbound two-way pull exchange profile
  • AS4 messaging receiver Post-process
    • AS4 outbound two-way synchronous exchange profile
Remember: Pre-process occurs before ebMS processing and Post-process occurs after ebMS processing.