Connections Mobile administration

Deny access to Connections and wipe data from lost or stolen devices.

Using the Mobile Administration console, you can control which users and mobile devices can access your IBM® Connections servers. In addition to denying access to specific users or specific devices, you can delete Connections data from devices, restore access to users or devices, and set password policies.

  • Use this built-in security management capability if you do not already have a security management solution for mobile devices.
  • For information about client certificate authentication (also known as two factor authentication), see the Configuring access with client certificates topic.
Important: Ensure that you created the database for the Mobile application. Verify that the database exists by completing the following steps:
  1. Log in to the WebSphere® Application Server Integrated Solutions Console on the system that hosts the Deployment Manager.
  2. Click Resources > JDBC > Data sources.
  3. Search the page for the mobile data source. If it is not present, install the MOBILE database. For more information, see the Creating databases with the database wizard topic.

Registering devices

When a device connects to an IBM Connections server, it is automatically registered in the MOBILE database. You can view the inventory of every device and user that accessed the IBM Connections Mobile application. For more information, see the User and device data topic.
Tip: If a device that connects to a 4.0 server uses an version of the native app, the user is prompted to update the app.

Audit history

You can view the security and ID details of each registered device by clicking the device entry in the console. The audit history also shows who issued requests for changes to access and other configuration settings.

OS capabilities

Some operating systems provide different capabilities for security management of devices:
  • Android: All the features that are provided in the Mobile Administration console are supported.
  • BlackBerry provides its own security management system through the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. Therefore, the Mobile Administration console does not provide a password policy for BlackBerry.
  • iOS: The Connections Mobile password policy is not supported.

Configuring security for Mobile

The following topics describe how to configure security for IBM Connections Mobile: