Using compiler options and facilities

This chapter describes the options that you can use for the compiler, along with their abbreviations and IBM-supplied defaults.

Important: PL/I requires access to the Language Environment run time when you compile your applications.

With Enterprise PL/I, you can develop both 31-bit and 64-bit applications. When you compile code, use the LP(32) option for 31-bit applications, or the LP(64) option for 64-bit applications. However, the compiler behavior under LP(64) is different from that under LP(32). For more information, see Considerations for developing 64-bit applications and Link-editing and running for 64-bit programs.

You can override most defaults when you compile your PL/I program. You can also override the defaults when you install the compiler.

All the compiler option default settings for a release is listed in the member with the name IBMXOvrm, where v is the version number, r is the release number and m is the modification number which is usually 0 (for example, IBMXO510 for V5R1 and IBMXO450 for V4R5), in the SIBMZSAM data set. The data set contains IBMXOvrm members for all supported PL/I releases. To see what has changed in the default settings and what new options are added from one release to the next, you can compare the IBMXOvrm files for the two releases. You can also use the IBMXOvrm files as templates for creating your own options files with your preferred settings.