Start of changeLOWERCASE returns a character string with all characters converted to their lowercase equivalent. End of change

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An expression. If necessary, x is converted to character.
Start of changecEnd of change
Start of changeAn expression that specifies the code page that will be lowercased.End of change

Start of changeLOWERCASE(x) is equivalent to TRANSLATE(x, 'a...z', 'A...Z') and LOWERCASE(x, c ) is equivalent to TRANSLATE(x, lowerc, upperc). The values of lowerc and upperc are determined by the value of the code page c. Specifying LOWERCASE(x, c) will not only translate alphabetic characters 'A...Z' to 'a...z', but also translate characters such as uppercase Ä-unlaut('4a'x) to lowercase ä-umlaunt('c0'x).End of change

Start of changeFor example, if the Lower_01141 was declared as: Start of change
dcl lower_01141 char
 value( (
           || '9899A2A3A4A5A6A7A8A9424445464748'x
           || '4951525354555657'586A708C8D8E9CC0'x
           || 'CBCDCECFD0DBDDDE'x
        ) );  
End of change and the Upper_01141 was declared as:Start of change
dcl upper_01141 char
  value( (
           || 'D8D9E2E3E4E5E6E7E8E9626465666768'x
           || '6971727374757677'78E080ACADAE9E4A'x
           || 'EBEDEEEF5AFBFDFE'x
        ) );      
End of change then LOWERCASE(x, 1141 ) would be the same as TRANSLATE( x, Lower_01141, Upper_01141 ).End of change

Start of changeThe appendix lists the values of lowerc and upperc for the supported values of c. For details, see TRANSLATE and Limits.End of change