Configuration properties for CICS images

You can configure a number of properties to customize the way that CICS® is provisioned through z/OS® PT.

Some properties are set when you configure a template. Other properties are used to configure an image. Properties for a template are specified in a ISO8859-1 file, ready to load into z/OSMF. Properties for an image are specified in a zosptfile, ready for use by the z/OS PT commands that build, run, and manage provisioned systems.

Type of CICS region

Table 1. Configuration property for the CICS region type
Property Description
DFH_CICS_TYPE To set your CICS region type, use one of the following available options:
  • CMAS - A single CICSPlex® SM address space (CMAS) is provisioned, and a CICSplex is defined to the data repository of the CMAS. You must set extra properties for this region type, as described in CICSPlex SM properties.
  • MAS - A managed application system (MAS) region is managed by CICSPlex SM and participates in a CICSplex. You must set extra properties for this region type, as described in CICSPlex SM properties.
  • SMSS - A stand-alone CICS region (SMSS) that can be managed through CMCI. Although the region has CICSPlex SM libraries, it does not require a CMAS or participate in a CICSplex.
  • Unmanaged - A stand-alone CICS region that cannot be managed through CMCI.
  • WUI - A Web User Interface (WUI) region must be connected to a CMAS region of the same version. You must set extra properties for this region type, as described in CICSPlex SM properties.

High-level qualifiers for your installation

Table 2. Configuration properties for high-level qualifiers
Property Description Where set
DFH_CICS_HLQ High-level qualifier (HLQ) of the CICS installation location. DFH_CICS_HLQ is used to define the STEPLIB and DFHRPL concatenations for provisioned CICS regions. If the CICS region needs to access modules in the MVS™ link pack area (LPA), specify the SIT parameter LPA=YES in the compiled SIT named by the DFH_REGION_SIT property, or in the DFH_REGION_SITPARMS property itself. Template
DFH_CPSM_HLQ High-level qualifier (HLQ) of the CICSPlex SM installation location. Template
DFH_LE_HLQ High-level qualifier (HLQ) of Language Environment®. Template

User IDs for the configuration

For more information about the steps for which each user ID is used, see Security requirements for provisioning CICS with z/OS Provisioning Toolkit.
Table 3. Configuration properties for user IDs
Property Description Where set
DFH_ADMIN_TSO TSO user ID that is used for steps that require a greater level of authority; for example, creating data sets. Template
DFH_ADMIN_CONSOLE User ID that is used to issue MVS console commands. Commands are issued by using REXX scripts or z/OSMF z/OS console services, depending on the CONSOLE_COMMAND_TYPE property. See Workflow configuration variables.

The authorizations that the DFH_ADMIN_CONSOLE user ID requires depend on whether REXX scripts or z/OSMF z/OS console services are used. See Security requirements for provisioning CICS with z/OS Provisioning Toolkit and z/OS console services in the z/OSMF Programming Guide.

When z/OS console services are used, an MVS console is created and used to submit console commands. The MVS console name is the first six characters of the DFH_ADMIN_CONSOLE user ID, followed by the letters CN. Ensure that system messages are routed to the console so that the start and stop of the CICS region can be detected.

When the z/OS console services are used, ensure that messages DFHSI1517, EYUNL0099I, EYUXL0010I, DFHKE1799, and IXG661I are not suppressed by the Message Processing Facility (MPF). These messages are used to detect when different types of CICS regions start and stop, and when a CICS region's log streams are deleted successfully.

If multiple z/OSMF servers are installed on different LPARs in a sysplex, the generated MVS console name (the first six characters of the DFH_ADMIN_CONSOLE user ID) must be unique on each LPAR.

DFH_ADMIN_ZFS User ID that has zFS authority to mount and unmount zFS file systems. Template
DFH_ADMIN_SECURITY User ID that has authorization to make dynamic security profiles changes in the Security Manager.

By default, no dynamic security updates are made, because the REXX scripts that are run exit immediately with return code zero. This default behavior allows for predefined security profiles to be used. The REXX scripts can be modified to issue commands to dynamically create, update, and delete the security profiles that are needed for the provisioned CICS region. For more information, see Modifying the CICS workflows to support dynamic security.

DFH_APPROVER_TSO Approval user ID for TSO. Template
DFH_APPROVER_CONSOLE Approval user ID for the DFH_ADMIN_CONSOLE user ID to be used. Template
DFH_APPROVER_SECURITY Approval user ID for dynamic security configuration. Template
DFH_APPROVER_ZFS Approval user ID for zFS. Template

CICS region configuration

Table 4. Configuration properties for the CICS region
Property Description Where set
DFH_REGION_HLQ High-level qualifier (HLQ) for all CICS region data sets. Template
DFH_STC_ID The user ID with which CICS starts.

CICS runs as a started task and the job name matches the APPLID of the CICS region. A SAF security profile must exist that ensures the started task runs under the DFH_STC_ID user ID. This profile can be either predefined, or created dynamically as part of the provisioning process. For more information, see Modifying the CICS workflows to support dynamic security.

The provisioned CICS region creates log streams under the DFH_STC_ID user ID.

DFH_REGION_LOGSTREAM Indicates how the log streams that the provisioned CICS region requires are created. Valid options are:
  • DYNAMIC: The log streams that the CICS region requires are created during the provisioning process, and deleted during the deprovisioning process. DYNAMIC is the default value.
  • EXISTING: The log streams (or the appropriate log stream models) that the CICS region requires must already exist. If JOURNALMODEL resources are required, they must be defined already on a shared system definition data set (CSD), or they can be added to a newly created CSD by using the DFH_REGION_CSD_INPUT property.
  • DUMMY: The CICS region does not use any log streams, and the CICS region must be started by using an initial start.
DFH_REGION_LOGSTREAM_HLQ A high-level qualifier (up to 8 characters) for the CICS log stream names. This property is optional.
  • If you specify a value, the log stream prefix has the following format: DFH_REGION_LOGSTREAM_HLQ.DFH_REGION_APPLID.*
  • If you specify the property, but with no value (for example, DFH_REGION_LOGSTREAM_HLQ= ), the log stream prefix has the following format: DFH_REGION_APPLID.*
  • If you do not specify the property, the user ID of the running CICS region, which is specified by the DFH_STC_ID property, is used in the log stream prefix. For example, DFH_STC_ID.DFH_REGION_APPLID.*
DFH_LOG_HLQ The high-level qualifier for log stream data set names. This property is optional. If the property is not specified, the high-level qualifier IXGLOGR is used. Template
DFH_REGION_CICSSVC The CICS SVC number that is installed on the MVS LPAR. Template
DFH_REGION_DFLTUSER User ID used as the default ID for the CICS region. Template
DFH_REGION_VTAMNODE Name of the VTAM® node to activate when the CICS region starts up. Template
DFH_REGION_REGION JCL region size for the CICS JCL, in the format nnnnM (for example, 400M). Template
DFH_REGION_MEMLIMIT JCL MEMLIMIT size for the CICS JCL, in the format nnG (for example, 16G). Template
DFH_CICS_LICENSE_DATASET Location of the CICS license data set. Template

z/OS configuration options

Table 5. Configuration properties for z/OS
Property Description Where set
DFH_ZOS_PROCLIB Names the PROCLIB data set into which the workflow can create a procedure for the CICS region. The CICS region runs as a started task. If you specify a PROCLIB that is a PDSE, it enables concurrent addition of new procedures to the PROCLIB. If a PDS is used and multiple concurrent updates to the PROCLIB are attempted, z/OS abends them with a 213-30 abend code, to avoid data corruption.

When a procedure is created in the PROCLIB, its name will match the APPLID of the CICS region that is provisioned. Therefore, use a suitable naming convention for the CICS region APPLIDs to ensure that the procedure names are unique and do not clash with any existing procedure names. If the procedure name is not unique, another started task with the same name might be stopped during deprovisioning of the CICS region. Ensure that the named PROCLIB data set is included in the PROCLIB concatenation on your system so that it can be found when the command to start the CICS region is issued.

DFH_ZOS_STCJOBS Names the data set into which the workflow can create the source JCL that defines the job level characteristics of the started task for the provisioned CICS region. Used only when DFH_STC_JOB_CARD is also specified. If you specify a data set of type PDSE, it enables concurrent addition of new STCJOBS to the data set. If a data set of type PDS is used and multiple concurrent updates to the data set are attempted, z/OS produces a 213-30 abend code, to avoid data corruption. Template
DFH_STC_JOB_CARD Specifies the job card to use to define the job level characteristics of the started task for the provisioned CICS region. When specified, DFH_ZOS_STCJOBS must also be used to indicate the data set for STCJOBS. Template
DFH_ZOS_VSAM_UNIT UNIT value that is used in creation of data sets, for example: SYSDA, 3390. Template
DFH_ZOS_VSAM_VOLUME VOLUME value that is used in the creation of PDS and VSAM data sets, for example, SYSDA, trace, or dump.

To use SMS (Storage Management Subsystem) support, specify SMS. In this situation, the VOLUME parameter is omitted from the PDS or VSAM creation.


zFS configuration options

Table 6. Configuration properties for zFS
Property Description Where set
DFH_ZFS_DATACLASS DATACLASS (a list of data set allocation attributes and their values) defined on z/OS that is used to create the zFS data sets. For more information about setup details, see Configuration prerequisites for using z/OS Provisioning Toolkit with CICS.

For non-SMS-managed systems, either remove the DFH_ZFS_DATACLASS property, or do not give the property a value. Specify a value for DFH_ZOS_VSAM_VOLUME instead.

DFH_ZFS_GROUP Specifies the name of a SAF group, which is granted read, write, and execute authority to the CICS region zFS directory and contents. Template
DFH_ZFS_MOUNTPOINT zFS directory that is used to mount the zFS directories for a CICS region. This property is optional. If omitted, no zFS directories are created for the provisioned CICS region. Template
DFH_CICS_USSHOME Location of the CICS USSHOME installation. Template
DFH_CICS_USSCONFIG Start of changeSpecifies the directory in which z/OS UNIX configuration files for the CICS region are stored. When DFH_ZFS_MOUNTPOINT is specified, the contents of this directory are copied into the provisioned CICS region's zFS directory, DFH_ZFS_MOUNTPOINT/DFH_REGION_APPLID/dfhconfig, and the USSCONFIG SIT parameter for each provisioned CICS region is set.

If the region will include any TCP/IP ports that are secured by using TLS, an SSL cipher suite specification file called strongciphers.xml must exist in the zFS subdirectory DFH_CICS_USSCONFIG/security/ciphers. Sample cipher suite files are provided in the DFH_CICS_USSHOME/security/ciphers directory. For more information about cipher suite files, see Cipher suites and cipher suite specification files in CICS TS product documentation.

This property is optional. If omitted when DFH_ZFS_MOUNTPOINT is specified, a default USSCONFIG directory is created inside the provisioned CICS region's zFS directory. If omitted when DFH_ZFS_MOUNTPOINT is not specified, the USSCONFIG SIT parameter is not set.

End of change
DFH_ZCEE_INSTALL_DIR The runtime directory in the installation directory of z/OS Connect EE; for example, /usr/lpp/IBM/zosconnect/v3r0/runtime. This property is relevant only for provisioning images for CICS and z/OS Connect EE. Template

JVM configuration options

Table 7. Configuration properties for JVM
Property Description Where set
DFH_JAVA_HOME Location of the Java™ installation Template
DFH_REGION_JVMSERVER The type of JVM server to provision. The following values are allowed:
  • Liberty - provisions a Liberty JVM server named DFHWLP.
  • OSGi - provisions an OSGi JVM server named DFHOSGI.
  • Axis2 - provisions an Axis2 JVM server named DFHJVMAX.
  • None - does not provision a JVM server.
Template or image. If set on the image, this value overrides the value set in the template by the file.
DFH_JVM_DEBUG Dynamically allocate a port for the remote debugging of a JVM server. If DFH_REGION_JVMSERVER is set to Liberty, OSGi, or Axis2, the JVM server is configured to use the allocated port. Valid values are:
  • YES
  • NO

If not set, no JVM debug port is allocated.

DFH_ZOSCONNECT_USERID The default user ID for z/OS Connect EE. Template or image. If set on the image, this value overrides the value set in the template by the file.

Node.js configuration options

Support for Node.js requires CICS Transaction Server for z/OS V5.5 or later.

Table 8. Configuration properties for Node.js
Property Description Where set
DFH_NODE_HOME Location of the Node.js installation directory on zFS.

Start of changeWhen this property is set, a nodejsprofiles/general.profile file is created in the provisioned CICS region's zFS directory, DFH_ZFS_MOUNTPOINT/DFH_REGION_APPLID/dfhconfig, for use by the Node.js application. The general.profile file contains entries for the WORK_DIR and NODE_HOME parameters. See Node.js profile and command line options in CICS TS product documentation.End of change


Networking variables

Table 9. Configuration properties for the network
Property Description Where set
DFH_JVM_DEBUG Dynamically allocate a port for the remote debugging of a JVM server. If DFH_REGION_JVMSERVER is set to Liberty, OSGi, or Axis2, the JVM server is configured to use the allocated port. Valid values are:
  • YES
  • NO

If not set, no JVM debug port is allocated.

DFH_JVM_DEBUG_USAGETYPE Optional property to set the usage type for the port that a Java debugger can be connected to, so that the port is dynamically allocated from the port allocation range that this usage type identifies.

A valid usage type name is 1-32 characters and the following valid characters: A-Z a-z 0-9

Typically, a network administrator uses z/OSMF to configure a port allocation range and specify the usage type for that range.

This property is used if DFH_JVM_DEBUG is set to YES.

DFH_REGION_CMCIPORT_USAGETYPE Optional property to set the usage type for a CMCI port (used for connection to CICS Explorer®) so that the port is dynamically allocated from the port allocation range that this usage type identifies.

A valid usage type name is 1-32 characters and the following valid characters: A-Z a-z 0-9

Typically, a network administrator uses z/OSMF to configure a port allocation range and specify the usage type for that range.

DFH_REGION_HTTP Dynamically allocate an HTTP port during provision. Valid values are:
  • YES
  • NO

If not set, no HTTP port is allocated.

DFH_REGION_HTTP_USAGETYPE Optional property to set the usage type for an HTTP port so that the port is dynamically allocated from the port allocation range that this usage type identifies.

A valid usage type name is 1-32 characters and the following valid characters: A-Z a-z 0-9

Typically, a network administrator uses z/OSMF to configure a port allocation range and specify the usage type for that range.

This property is used if DFH_REGION_HTTP is set to YES.

DFH_REGION_HTTPS Dynamically allocate an HTTPS port during provision. Valid values are:
  • YES
  • NO

If not set, no HTTPS port is allocated.

DFH_REGION_HTTPS_USAGETYPE Optional property to set the usage type for an HTTPS port so that the port is dynamically allocated from the port allocation range that this usage type identifies.

A valid usage type name is 1-32 characters and the following valid characters: A-Z a-z 0-9

Typically, a network administrator uses z/OSMF to configure a port allocation range and specify the usage type for that range.

This property is used if DFH_REGION_HTTPS is set to YES.

DFH_REGION_IPIC Dynamically allocate an IPIC port during provision. Valid values are:
  • YES

    A TCPIPSERVICE is configured for the CICS region to listen for inbound IPIC requests. The default autoinstall program for IPCONN resources (DFHISAIP) is enabled so that outbound IPCONN connections can be automatically created when an inbound request is received.

    If the property DFH_REGION_SEC=NO is specified, the IPIC port is unsecured. If the property DFH_REGION_SEC=YES is specified, the IPIC port is secured by using SSL with client authentication. The default autoinstall program DFHISAIP creates IPCONN resources that specify SSL(NO) as one of their parameters, meaning that outbound IPIC connections are not secured by SSL.

  • NO

    No IPIC port is allocated.

If not set, no IPIC port is allocated.

DFH_REGION_IPIC_USAGETYPE Optional property to set the usage type for an IPIC port so that the port is dynamically allocated from the port allocation range that this usage type identifies.

A valid usage type name is 1-32 characters and the following valid characters: A-Z a-z 0-9

Typically, a network administrator uses z/OSMF to configure a port allocation range and specify the usage type for that range.

This property is used if DFH_REGION_IPIC is set to YES.

DFH_REGION_TCPIP_USAGETYPE Optional property to set the usage type for the CICSPlex SM WUI port so that the port is dynamically allocated from the port allocation range that this usage type identifies.

A valid usage type name is 1-32 characters and the following valid characters: A-Z a-z 0-9

Typically, a network administrator uses z/OSMF to configure a port allocation range and specify the usage type for that range.


Security options

Table 10. Configuration properties for security
Property Description Where set
DFH_REGION_KEYRING Name of a key ring. Used for SSL or TLS connections to CICS. You must specify this property only when:
  • DFH_REGION_SEC is set to YES, and DFH_CICS_TYPE is set to SMSS, meaning that a secure CMCI port is created.
  • DFH_REGION_JVMSERVER is set to None, OSGI or Axis2, and DFH_REGION_HTTPS is set to YES, meaning that an HTTPS port is created.
If no value is specified and the property is needed, the APPLID of the CICS region is used. The key ring can be dynamically created as part of the provisioning process. For more information, see Modifying the CICS workflows to support dynamic security.
DFH_REGION_SEC Specify whether security is enabled for the CICS region.
Note: If the value is specified as NO, all other security options are ignored.
DFH_REGION_SECPRFX Specify whether to use SECPREFX. If no value is specified, the APPLID of the CICS region is used. Valid values are:
  • NO
  • YES
  • prefix
DFH_REGION_XAPPC Specify whether RACF®) session security can be used with APPC connections. Valid values are:
  • NO
  • YES
DFH_REGION_XCMD Specify whether CICS command security is enabled. Valid values are:
  • NO
  • YES
  • classname
DFH_REGION_XDB2 Specify whether DB2ENTRY security checking is enabled. Valid values are:
  • NO
  • classname
DFH_REGION_XDCT Specify whether transient data queue security is enabled. Valid values are:
  • NO
  • YES
  • classname
DFH_REGION_XFCT Specify whether file security is enabled. Valid values are:
  • NO
  • YES
  • classname
DFH_REGION_XHFS Specify whether zFS file security is enabled. Valid values are:
  • NO
  • YES
  • classname
DFH_REGION_XJCT Specify whether journal security is enabled. Valid values are:
  • NO
  • YES
  • classname
DFH_REGION_XPCT Specify whether started transaction security is enabled. Valid values are:
  • NO
  • YES
  • classname
DFH_REGION_XPPT Specify whether program security is enabled. Valid values are:
  • NO
  • YES
  • classname
DFH_REGION_XPSB Specify whether program specification block security is enabled. Valid values are:
  • NO
  • YES
  • classname
DFH_REGION_XPTKT Specify whether PassTicket security is enabled. XPTKT is a new security option that requires a CICS APAR to be applied. Valid values are:
  • NO
  • YES
DFH_REGION_XRES Specify whether CICS resource security is enabled. Valid values are:
  • NO
  • YES
  • classname
DFH_REGION_XTRAN Specify whether transaction attach security is enabled. Valid values are:
  • NO
  • YES
  • classname
DFH_REGION_XTST Specify whether temporary storage queue security is enabled. Valid values are:
  • NO
  • YES
  • classname
DFH_REGION_XUSER Specify whether surrogate user checking is enabled. Valid values are:
  • NO
  • YES

Registration properties

For a list of properties to register a CICS workflow, see Table 1.

Optional CICS properties

The following optional properties are used to insert SIT parameters and data sets into the provisioned region.

Table 11. Optional CICS configuration properties
Property Description Where set
DFH_REGION_STEPLIB Comma-separated list of data sets to append to the standard CICS and Language Environment STEPLIB data sets. For example: DFH_REGION_STEPLIB=UTL.TEST1, UTL.TEST2. .Template
DFH_REGION_STEPLIB_TOP Comma-separated list of data sets to add before the standard CICS and Language Environment STEPLIB data sets. For example: DFH_REGION_STEPLIB_TOP=UTL.TEST3, UTL.TEST4. Template
DFH_REGION_RPL Comma-separated list of data sets to append to the standard CICS and Language Environment DFHRPL data sets. For example: DFH_REGION_RPL=UTL.TEST5, UTL.TEST6. Template
DFH_REGION_RPL_TOP Comma-separated list of data sets to add before the standard CICS and Language Environment DFHRPL data sets. For example: DFH_REGION_RPL_TOP=UTL.TEST7, UTL.TEST8. Template
DFH_REGION_CSD_TYPE Specify whether a new CSD needs to be created for each CICS region, or whether an existing CSD can be shared. For more information about sharing a CSD, see Shared CSD guidance. The default is to create a new CSD, which is then deleted when the CICS region is deprovisioned.

The provisioning process adds region-specific resources to the CSD. During deprovision those resources get removed from the CSD if it is shared. When a CSD is shared, the CSD must be accessed in a way that allows the successful provision and deprovision of other CICS regions.

Valid values are:
  • NEW

    Provision CICS regions that access a non record-level sharing (RLS) CSD in read-only mode. Provision and deprovision fail if region-specific resources cannot be added or removed because the CSD is in use.


    Provision CICS regions that need to access the CSD in update mode.

CSD-specific CICS system initialization parameters are automatically set based on the value of this property and cannot be overridden. For more information about CICS system initialization parameters, see Specifying more CICS system initialization parameters.

DFH_REGION_CSD_NAME Specify the name of an existing CSD to be shared by the provisioned CICS regions. This option applies only when DFH_REGION_CSD_TYPE is set to SHAREDREADONLY or SHAREDRLS. Template
DFH_REGION_CSD_INPUT Comma-separated list of data sets to be inserted into the CSD upgrade job, for example: DFH_REGION_CSD_INPUT=CICPROV.CSD(EQACSD13). This option applies only when DFH_REGION_CSD_TYPE is set to NEW. Template
DFH_REGION_SIT The two-character name of the compiled SIT. Template
DFH_REGION_SITPARMS A provisioned CICS region is automatically configured with a set of system initialization (SIT) parameters. DFH_REGION_SITPARMS enables more SIT parameters to be specified for further customization of the region. The parameters must be comma-separated, for example: DFH_REGION_SITPARMS=DEBUGTOOL=YES,AUXTR=ON

For more information about which SIT parameters are configured automatically and how, see Specifying more CICS system initialization parameters.

DFH_REGION_DD_LIST Comma-separated list of DD cards to add to the CICS region JCL. To include commas in the DD card, prefix them with two backslashes \\ for a template, or one backslash \ for an image. Do not include // at the beginning of the line.



Template or image
DFH_CICS_LLQ Specify a low-level qualifier for the CICS installation data sets. For example, DFH_CICS_LLQ=.CICSLLQ results in the following example statements in the JCL:

Remember to start the low level qualifier with a period character (.).

DFH_CPSM_LLQ Specify a low-level qualifier for theCICSPlex SM installation data sets. For example, DFH_CPSM_LLQ=.CPSMLLQ results in the following example statements in the JCL:

Remember to start the low level qualifier with a period character (.).


CICSPlex SM properties

The following optional properties are used to configure CICS regions that participate in a CICSplex.

Table 12. Optional CICSPlex SM configuration properties
Property Description DFH_CICS_TYPE Where set
DFH_CICSPLEX_DEF Use this property to set the name of a CICSplex to be created during provision of a CMAS. If no value is specified, the CICSplex name is generated dynamically as part of the provisioning process. CMAS Template or image
DFH_CICSPLEX The name of the CICSplex that the MAS or WUI is associated with. MAS or WUI Template
DFH_CMAS_APPLID The VTAM APPLID of the CMAS that the MAS or WUI is attached to. This property is optional. MAS or WUI Template
CMAS_REGISTRY_NAME This property can be set when you provision a WUI or a MAS region. The provisioning workflow looks for the CMAS in the z/OSMF registry to get the information needed for the workflow to connect to the CMAS. This property is optional and can be specified as an alternative to DFH_CICSPLEX and optional properties DFH_CMAS_APPLID and DFH_CMAS_SYSID. MAS or WUI Template
DFH_CMAS_SYSID The SYSID of the CMAS that the MAS or WUI is attached to. This property is optional. MAS or WUI Template
DFH_CICSGRP The CICS system group that the MAS or WUI is attached to. The CICS system group must already be defined in the CICSplex. This property is optional. MAS or WUI Template
DFH_REGION_EYUPARMS Define EYUPARM settings for this region in a comma-separated list. This property is optional. CMAS or MAS or WUI Template
DFH_REGION_WUIPARMS Define WUI server initialization parameters in a comma-separated list. This property is optional. WUI Template

Provisioning process customizations

Table 13. Configuration properties for the provisioning process
Property Description Where set
DFH_START_TIMEOUT The time to wait for the CICS region to start before it reports an error. The valid range is 30 - 600 seconds. The default is 30 seconds. Template
DFH_STOP_TIMEOUT The amount of time to wait for the CICS region to stop before it attempts a more forceful stop. The stop order is CEMT P SHUT, CEMT P SHUT IMMEDIATE, CANCEL. The valid range is 10 - 600 seconds. The default is 30 seconds. Template
VALIDATE_PARAMETERS During provisioning of a CICS region, several steps validate the properties of the configured template. When the template is configured correctly, you can omit these validation steps so that provisioning each CICS region takes less time. Valid values are as follows:
  • NO. Do not run validation steps.
  • YES. Run validation steps. This value is the default.
DFH_DELETE_LOGSTREAM_TIMEOUT The amount of time the workflow waits to detect successful deletion of the CICS region's log streams during deprovision. The valid range is 10 - 600 seconds. The default is 30 seconds. Template

Workflow configuration variables

Table 14. Configuration property for the workflow
Property Description Where set
CONSOLE_COMMAND_TYPE Sets how the provisioning process issues MVS commands and retrieves command responses for tasks such as starting and stopping a CICS region, checking the status of a CICS region, and deleting log streams. Valid values are as follows:
  • SCRIPT. Use REXX scripts to issue console commands. A console is opened for each provisioned CICS region, using the APPLID of the CICS region as the console name.

    For templates for a cics_getting_started workflow, SCRIPT is the only valid value.

    If you use this value with templates that provision a CICS region by using IBM® Cloud Provisioning and Management for z/OS, it reduces the configuration required.

  • APICALL. Use z/OSMF z/OS console services (a REST API) to issue console commands and detect unsolicited messages. A single console manages all provisioned CICS regions. To use this value, you must configure z/OS console services and the relevant additional authorization for the userid that the DFH_ADMIN_CONSOLE property specifies. See User IDs for the configuration and Preparing to use z/OS Provisioning Toolkit with IBM Cloud Provisioning and Management for z/OS.

    This value is not valid for templates for a cics_getting_started workflow.

If this value is not specified, templates for a cics_getting_started workflow use REXX scripts, and templates for workflows that use IBM Cloud Provisioning and Management for z/OS use z/OS console services.


Specifying more CICS system initialization parameters

CICS regions are provisioned with system initialization (SIT) parameters that are configured automatically to support the properties that are defined in the template. Use the DFH_REGION_SITPARMS property for further customization of SIT parameters for CICS regions. Any SIT parameter can be specified by using DFH_REGION_SITPARMS, but any conflicting SIT parameters are overridden by the automatically configured SIT parameters (conflicts are commented out in the generated started task procedure for the CICS region). The following table lists SIT parameters that are automatically configured and whether they can be overridden. SIT parameters not in the table can all be specified on the DFH_REGION_SITPARMS property.

Table 15. Configuration of SIT parameters
SIT parameter How it is configured Can be overridden
APPLID Set to the dynamically obtained APPLID for the CICS region. No
CICSSVC Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_CICSSVC property. No
CPSMCONN Set to LMAS if the value of DFH_CICS_TYPE is set to MAS. No
CSDACC Set to READONLY or READWRITE, depending on the DFH_REGION_CSD_TYPE property. No
CSDRLS Set to YES if DFH_REGION_CSD_TYPE is set to SHAREDRLS, otherwise set to NO. No
DFLTUSER Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_DFLTUSER property. No
GMTEXT Set to a string that includes the dynamic APPLID of the provisioned region and the type of region that is being provisioned. Yes
GMTRAN Set to CESN if DFH_REGION_SEC is set to YES. Yes
GRPLIST Set to a list that contains the specific resource definitions for the provisioned CICS region. Yes, but the provided GRPLIST must specify a maximum of three entries. These are concatenated onto a first entry that is generated during provisioning to add specific resource definitions for the provisioned CICS region. This generated list also includes the CICS groups typically in DFHLIST, so DFHLIST is not required as a separate entry in your GRPLIST.
ISC Set to YES. Yes
JVMPROFILEDIR Set to a dynamically provisioned zFS directory for the CICS region. No
KEYRING Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_KEYRING property, or the dynamically provisioned APPLID of the CICS region, if DFH_REGION_KEYRING is not specified. Set when DFH_REGION_SEC is set to YES. No
SEC Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_SEC property. No
SECPRFX Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_SECPRFX property, or the dynamically provisioned APPLID of the CICS region if the DFH_REGION_SECPRFX property is not set. No
SIT Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_SIT property. No
START Set to AUTO. Yes
SYSIDNT Set to a dynamic system ID based on the dynamic APPLID for the CICS region. No
TCPIP Always set to YES to enable the CICS region to open TCPIPSERVICES for web or IPIC traffic. No
USSHOME Set to the value of the DFH_CICS_USSHOME property. No
USSCONFIG Set to the value of the DFH_CICS_USSCONFIG property. No
XAPPC Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_XAPPC property. No
XCMD Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_XCMD property. No
XDB2 Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_XDB2 property. No
XDCT Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_XDCT property. No
XFCT Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_XFCT property. No
XHFS Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_XHFS property. No
XJCT Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_XJCT property. No
XPCT Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_XPCT property. No
XPPT Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_XPPT property. No
XPSB Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_XPSB property. No
XPTKT Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_XPTKT property. No
XRES Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_XRES property. No
XTRAN Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_XTRAN property. No
XTST Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_XTST property. No
XUSER Set to the value of the DFH_REGION_XUSER property. No

Shared CSD guidance

By default, when a CICS region is provisioned, a new CSD is defined for that CICS region. When the CICS region is deprovisioned, the CSD is deleted. This ensures that each CICS region has a unique CSD, and that any changes that are made to that CSD do not affect other CICS regions.

You can change the value of the DFH_REGION_CSD_TYPE parameter to provision CICS regions that share an existing CSD. Using a shared CSD ensures that updates to the CSD are available to all CICS regions that share the CSD. If a CSD is shared, it must not be held open by a CICS region. A CSD that remains open can cause provision and deprovision failures.

The shared CSD can be used for regions that are provisioned and deprovisioned by using z/OSMF to avoid situations where a CSD held open in a CICS region can cause provisioning and deprovisioning failures. One approach is to clone an existing CSD, then use that clone as the shared CSD for provisioning.

Accessing the CSD by using record-level sharing (RLS) provides the highest level of sharing. If the CICS regions you provision need to update the CSD, specify DFH_REGION_CSD_TYPE=SHAREDRLS. For more information about considerations for creating a CSD, see Setting up shared data sets, CSD and SYSIN in CICS TS product documentation.

If the CICS regions you provision do not need to update the CSD, a non-RLS CSD can be shared. The CICS regions open the CSD in read-only mode, which avoids problems with the CSD being locked when DFHCSDUP jobs are run during the provisioning and deprovisioning workflows. This option is specified by the property DFH_REGION_CSD_TYPE=SHAREDREADONLY.

If you need to update a non-RLS shared CSD, ensure that the updates do not cause provisioning and deprovisioning failures. DFHCSDUP jobs that the provisioning workflows submit include an extra DD statement that opens a data set exclusively. This data set is used as a serialization mechanism to ensure that the DFHCSDUP jobs do not cause each other to fail because the CSD is in use when multiple provisioning or deprovisioning processes are running concurrently. You can specify the same DD card in your own DFHCSDUP jobs to serialize your updates with updates that are made during the provisioning and deprovisioning processes. The DD card is as follows, where the values of DFH_REGION_HLQ and DFH_ZOS_VSAM_UNIT are properties that are described in tables CICS region configuration and z/OS configuration options.